33 minutes ago
Dmitry Nagiev
On April 4, Dmitry Nagiyev celebrated his birthday. The showman is 56 years old.
A close friend and colleague of the actor, TV presenter Andrey Urgant spoke about how the artist was in his student years. Ivan Urgant’s father said that he had known Dmitry Nagiyev for a long time.
The future showman at one time even took part in skits under the leadership of Andrei Urgant. The comrade said that the young actor worked very well. “It was written on his forehead that he would have a successful career,” RIA FAN quotes Urgant.
And so it happened. Andrey Urgant remembered what the true face of the now popular TV presenter used to be. “He was very thin, he was glowing through and through.” – shared the actor. Now it’s hard to imagine Dmitry Nagiyev like that. He became a real sex symbol: strong, pumped up.
Urgant Sr. treats his colleague well, appreciating him for his excellent humor and strong acting acumen. He is convinced that everything that Nagiyev received in life is absolutely deserved. He considers great hard work, dedication and professionalism to be separate bright features of a showman.
Note that recently the showman has been doing controversial things that could cost him his career on Russian television. Not so long ago, Dmitry Nagiyev got in touch with fans in the colors of the Ukrainian flag. The Russians were perplexed: did the actor thereby express his civic position? But the TV presenter did not openly answer this question.