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Nadiem Disbands National Education Standards Agency

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim officially dissolved the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) as an independent institution that works under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The decision is contained in Permendikbudristek Number 28 of 2021 which was signed by Nadiem on August 24, and has been confirmed by the Chairman of the BSNP, Abdul Mu’ti.

“Right [BSNP dibubarkan], “said Mukti to CNNIndonesia.com when confirmed, Tuesday (31/8).

The dissolution of the BSNP is regulated in detail through article 334 which states that the previous provisions regarding BSNP as regulated in Number 96 of 2019 concerning BSNP are revoked and declared invalid.

The position of BSNP is now replaced with the Educational Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment Agency which is directly under and responsible to the Minister of Education and Culture. This position is different from BSNP which has an independent status.

The Education Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment Agency in detail is regulated in 234 Permendikbud Number 28 of 2021. The article states that the Curriculum Standards and Educational Assessment Agency works to organize the preparation of standards, curriculum, and educational assessments as well as the management of the book system.

“The Educational Standards, Curriculum and Assessment Agency is under and responsible to the Minister; the Education Standards, Curriculum and Assessment Agency is led by the Head of the Agency,” reads article 233.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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