Home » today » Sport » Nacional (P) thrashes Palestino at the El Teniente stadium – 2024-03-13 02:22:09

Nacional (P) thrashes Palestino at the El Teniente stadium – 2024-03-13 02:22:09

. Early last Tuesday, the National Director of Sence, Romanina Morales Baltra; arrived in the O’Higgins region to develop an intense agenda that began with a visit to the Coya School of Goldsmithing and that also included the signing of the important FNDR project that will benefit more than 100 users from 9 communes in the region. .

Going deeper into this last aspect, is that around noon and in the meeting office of the Regional Governor of O’Higgins, Pablo Silva Amaya; The authorities met, accompanied also by the recently assumed minister of Labor and Social Security, Jaime Chamorro Galdames, the head of the regional ministerial secretariat of the Environment, Giovanna Amaya Peña and also the Regional Director (s) of Sence O’Higgins ; Marcela Contreras Torres to stamp the signature that comes to validate the work of months gathering information and the profiles that will be attended to based on the new REP law for base recyclers.

In this regard, the National Director of Sence stated that “this is a signing of an agreement with the transfer of funds from the Regional Government to train 100 people in what is called “recycling” which is what the law requires to be able to work; specifically inorganic recycling such as oils, tires, batteries, etc. “We don’t want all of this to end up in a river, but rather for it to be recycled and thus meet the 2030 goals and of course with our environment.”

For his part, the Regional Governor of O’Higgins, Pablo Silva Amaya, stated that “we are very happy and it is part of what we are doing to improve the environment of the O’Higgins region, it is part of what we are doing in investment for the environment along with the 8% open competition, so we appreciate the presence of the National and Regional Director of Sence and also the Seremis of Labor and Environment for continuing to improve the living conditions of our people.”

It should be noted that the project has a budget approved by the O’Higgins Regional Council of more than 148 million, benefiting the communes of Graneros, Rancagua, Coinco, Rengo, Peumo, Placilla, Lolol and Santa Cruz and Pichilemu with a total of 100 Spaces available for men and women over 18 years of age.

Regarding the territorial relevance and importance of the project, Brenda Díaz, Treasurer and Representative of the Olivar Environmental Committee, explained “it is a super important milestone. We, as a small committee of a small commune, always debate and talk with Sence through COSOC, about the recycling cycle. It is very easy to talk about how to recycle, but very few people know what to do with the already separated elements, where we leave the recycled material and unfortunately we have carried out interventions in the Cachapoal River and it is surprising the amount of garbage detected in it and this agreement between the Government Regional and Sence is something that will help a lot to implement the laws and for us to create links with recycling companies and be able to do that work.”

Finally, the project has 2 phases for its beneficiaries, the first of training in the Sence training plan “Base Recycling of Non-Hazardous Inorganic Waste”, lasting 40 hours. in total (hour value $5,000 approx.), in addition to modules for formalization, digital skills, which will include a mobilization subsidy per day of $4,000 pesos and a child care subsidy of $5,000 per assisted day, for participants who have care under 6 years old. And a second phase of certification for those who pass via Chilevalora in the Base Recycling Profile for non-hazardous inorganic waste, which has 3 UCL Labor Competence Units.

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