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Myth of Milk Bears vs. Facts According to Doctors

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Many myths are circulating bear milk in society. One of them that is currently being developed is bear milk can heal covid-19. What are the benefits of milk with this picture of a white bear?

Bear milk has become a hot topic of conversation in recent times. Dairy products served in cans are believed by many people in Indonesia to be able to cure various diseases.

Some people believe that consuming bear milk can cure flu, fever, headache, and even covid-19. However, are people’s beliefs true?

Community Nutritionist Doctor Tan Shot Yen said that bear’s milk cannot cure various diseases as people believe.

The assumption that bear milk can cure diseases such as fever, flu, cough, or others is just a myth that surrounds bear milk products.

“All this time overclaim the product has never been improved, the public has wrong assumptions, the public’s nutritional literacy is minimal, finally there are beliefs that are formed as public opinion. What should be a myth is turned into truth. On the other hand, scientific facts are completely ignored,” said Tan Shot Yen when contacted CNNIndonesia.com, Sunday (4/7).

Tan Shot Yen explained that consuming bear milk is the same as drinking other dairy products on the market. The nutritional content in packaged milk products on the market is the same from one product to another.

The nutritional content in question is protein, carbohydrates, potassium, and even salt. Some packaged milk also lists the vitamins and minerals contained in their liquid milk products.

“Evaporated milk, UHT, liquid milk, all the same. With the composition you can read on the label,” said Tan Shot Yen.

So that no dairy product is better than one another. Drinking milk also does not necessarily increase immunity. Other nutritious foods are needed to maintain health.

However, milk consumption is recommended as a complement to 4 healthy 5 perfect foods. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the consumption of healthy foods should be intensified. It’s not just milk consumption.

In addition, dairy products consumed to maintain health do not have to be bear milk. Liquid milk or other powdered milk can be consumed to maintain endurance.

Tan Shot Yen also said that adult human nutrition is not only driven by milk. If you are looking for a source of protein, then there are many other foods that offer higher protein than milk.

“Want to increase immunity? Adult human nutrition is not only boosted by milk. When it comes to protein, eggs are the champion. Because they represent the perfect protein,” he said.

Myths to Cure Covid-19

Chairman of the Covid-19 Task Force of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Professor Zubairi Djoerban denied that bear’s milk could cure COVID-19. The content in milk is said to not be able to kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 in the body.

“Bear’s milk to treat COVID-19, yes of course you can’t, bear’s milk cannot kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19,” said Zubairi when contacted CNNIndonesia.com, Sunday (4/7).

Zubairi also explained what people need at this time to be protected from the pandemic, not only milk consumption.

It takes the consumption of vegetables, fruit, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals that are obtained by eating a variety of foods.

“Actually, if you want to drink bear’s milk or other powdered milk, go ahead. There is nothing better or worse, except sweetened condensed milk which is low in protein. But to get good nutrition, you have to eat vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, so it’s not just milk,” he added.

In addition to maintaining body resistance, people also need to comply with health protocols to avoid infection with COVID-19.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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