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Mystery surrounding the record of the death of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin

On September 4, 2006, the world was shocked to learn that one of the bravest men on the planet, the naturalist Steve Irwin (aka Steve Irwin), known as the Crocodile Hunter, had been stabbed dozens of times during a photo shoot. In fact, on this day, the famous TV presenter changed his program and filmed not for his show, but for his daughter’s show – “Bindi – the girl from the jungle.”

Steve himself chose the plot – about the stingrays in the ocean. He hardly suspected that day how fatal his idea would be. According to experts, stingrays rarely showed such deadly aggression as the one who kills Steve. The stingray attacked the Hunter and stabbed him with a dozen blows with the spikes of his tail on his chest, in the area of ​​the heart.

According to toxicologist Dr. Jamie Seymour, Steve may have made the mistake of removing one of the poisonous spikes? Otherwise it could have been saved? However, the operator claims that he did not notice Steve removing the poisonous thorn from his body. Anticipating his end, he only shouted “I’m dying!”

With his wife Terry at the San Francisco Zoo on June 26, 2002 (Photo: Getty Images)

The recording of the tragic end of Steve Irwin was handed over to investigators of the incident. According to some, a copy of it remained in the Hunter’s widow? To date, however, she has never once confirmed or denied this. In an interview, Terry Irwin firmly stated that wherever a copy of her husband’s death record existed, she would not allow it to be seen by her children and the general public.

Robert Irwin with his mother Terry (Photo: Getty Images)

Steve Irwin remained a legend, a symbol of masculinity and a little reckless opposition to nature. Today, the Hunter’s son, Robert, follows in his father’s footsteps, and daughter Bindi became a mother in March this year. If he were alive, Steve Irwin would be little Grace’s proud grandfather.

September 2006 (Photo: Getty Images)

Bindi married her husband at the family zoo and honored her father with touching words. The Hunter’s family keeps the legend of him alive, and it in turn feeds a huge industry of a wide range of goods offered on the TV legend’s website.

At the Australian Zoo in August 2003 (Photo: Getty Images)

June 2002 At the San Francisco Zoo (Photo: Getty Images)


Crocodile hunter's daughter Steve Irwin shows off her first child (photos)

The daughter of crocodile hunter Steve Irwin showed her first child (photos)

Stephen Robert Irwin, as the full name of the Crocodile Hunter, was born on February 22, 1962 in Melbourne, Australia. His life, until that fateful September day, when he died at the age of 44 at the Great Barrier Reef, was filled with constant dangerous encounters with wildlife. His faithful cameraman and friend is the cameraman Justin Lyons. He witnessed the incident and was questioned repeatedly about Steve Irwin’s death.

On the day of the incident, Irwin and Lyons saw the two-meter stingray and photographed it for a few minutes in water up to its chest, and then decided to take the final shots of it floating away. In fact, it was Steve’s own idea. His perfectionism plays a fatal joke on him, because instead of swimming away, the fish turned around and started pushing him furiously in the chest as if she had a conscious intention to kill him? ….


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Lyons did not tell the public details of the fight until eight years after the incident. He had previously told the investigators only what had happened. When he was asked about the subject years later, he obviously could no longer suppress the grief within himself and needed to share it with more people. Because of these interviews, however, he only steals negatives. Many Australians were annoyed by these interviews with Lyons and on social networks there are malicious rumors that the operator is gaining fame from the death of his friend.

In fact, others close to Steve’s team needed to share their memories with him, because many of them blamed themselves for not being able to prevent what had happened that terrible day. of his ridiculous doom.

2003 With actor Russell Crowe in “Jay Leno’s Evening Show” (Photo: Getty Images)

After the death of Steve Irwin and the description of his battle with the killer stingray, a mass extermination of stingrays began off the coast of Australia. Conservationists report a brutal massacre over them, bordering on brutality – stingrays with torn tails have been found. Such revenge, of course, is a bit of an infantile display of anger, but it testifies to the audience’s great love for the brave Steve Irwin.

The naturalist worked in the show industry from 1991 until his death. In 2006 he shot the series “The Most Dangerous Animals in the Ocean”, and as already mentioned, on the fateful day he shot for his daughter’s show. Steve and his wife Terry Irwin own and maintain their own Australia Zoo in Queensland. They have two children – a daughter Bindi, born in 1998 and a son – Robert.

June 2002 At the San Francisco Zoo (Photo: Getty Images)

The boy was still a baby when, in 2004, many people shivered in horror in front of their TV screens when they saw Steve holding the baby in one hand and feeding a huge crocodile with the other. Spectators-mothers are horrified by these shots, but at the same time, as women, they admire the brave and eternally smiling Hunter.

2003 Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin hosts an anaconda on Jay Leno’s show (Photo: Getty Images)

In everyone’s eyes, Steve is the epitome of those mythical and legendary heroes who defeat dragons, fight lions and wrap giant snakes around their necks. He is really fearless, but also very arrogant and reckless, he does all this with a smile. Television quickly made him a world favorite. His extreme show is watched by millions of viewers in different parts of the world.


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Irwin is not only brave, but also very creative. He managed to build an international television career, while at the same time promoting tourism and proclaiming the cause of environmentalists to protect the natural environment. He himself is a passionate conservationist. To this day, it remains a mystery why that stingray has shown such aggression towards him. According to experts, this is not the typical behavior of this ocean species. Irwin’s operator makes the following assumption:

“The stingray probably thought of Steve’s shadow as a tiger shark, and attacked it like an enemy. I didn’t even realize it had pierced it until I took the panoramic pictures and saw that Steve was in a pool of blood,” says Justin Lyons.

The crew immediately pulled Irwin into the boat. They manage to squeeze the wound. They also give him artificial respiration. But, alas, all attempts were unsuccessful! …

Against the background of everything dangerous we’ve seen Steve Irwin do – play with crocodiles, catch poisonous snakes with his bare hands and play with all sorts of wild animals, his death seems really ridiculous.

The English proverb “Be careful what you wish for!” Once again proves its rightness. According to people on Steve Irwin’s team, he has repeatedly joked that “it would be sad to die if the moment was not filmed on video”?!? And such a video was really shot! …

One more thing is coming true – that he is dying young. He shared with his relatives that he foresaw that he would “see Death” before he grows old …

2006 Steve Irwin at the Australian Zoo (Photo: Getty Images)

“He never expected to have a long life,” said his widow, Terry Irwin, in an interview with Australian television. that their children did not witness the death of their father. Because Steve liked them to accompany him during photos …

His deadly sea skirmish has been filmed, but the film is unlikely to ever see the light of day. And that’s probably right. Let’s remember one of the bravest men on the planet, not wounded and agonizing, but as we saw him on the screen – as an eternally smiling and very brave man who loved nature and animals and wanted to make friends with people in the wild.


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Following his death and rumors of the recording, numerous forgeries of videos of his death appeared on the Internet.

One of them was watched by 100 million viewers. Irwin’s widow, Terry, denies it’s real, but someone is trafficking with him anyway, toying with interest in Steve Irwin in a criminally cheap way.

Earlier this year, there was talk of whether a new examination of the Hunter’s death was possible, on suspicion that his body had been attacked by hallucinogenic mushrooms, and that he had behaved in some way to provoke the aggressiveness of the killer stingray. Even if this is proven, Steve is no longer alive, and it would only upset his loved ones.

June 2002 At the San Francisco Zoo (Photo: Getty Images)

No matter how we look at what we know, we must admit that it is a cruel and ridiculous end to a very dynamic and extraordinary life. At the same time, it can be seen as a happy ending for a man like Steve Irwin. A man who dies while doing what he loves most!

Steve, Terry and their children – Bindi and Robert (Photo: Getty Images)

Steve’s children follow in his footsteps. Taught from an early age to love the wild, they are not afraid of animals and have not hated them for the death of their father. This is the philosophy in whose spirit they are brought up – higher humanism – the harmonious unity of man with nature.

After all, Steve Irwin continues to pursue his dream through his children, who are just like him zealous conservationists. This proves that for his short life, he managed not only to become a successful person, but also a successful parent. He did the most important thing for a father – he left an example to his children – himself!



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