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Mystery Surrounding Namie Amuro’s Online Content Disappearance: Fans Left Confused and Upset

Something strange has happened to Namie Amuro’s online content. There were many posts lamenting the discontinuation of the song’s distribution and the deletion of the official YouTube channel.

On the 16th, a flood of users reported that content distribution for singer Namie Amuro, who retired in September 2018, had stopped. Posts of grief are pouring in.

■“Amuro-chan” is trending

On the same day, “Amuro-chan” became a trend on X (formerly Twitter).

When I looked at the posts, I saw things like, “Today, distribution of almost all of her songs suddenly stopped, and the official YouTube channel has also been deleted…sad…” “Wait a minute, you can no longer listen to Amuro-chan’s YouTube music on Spotify,” “ I can’t listen to Amuro-chan on Apple Music anymore!” Many people complained about not being able to check their songs distributed online or their YouTube accounts.

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■Retired in 2018

Amuro was selected as a member of the dance performance group SUPER MONKEY’S in 1991, when he was a junior high school student, and debuted the following year in 1992.

Since her song “TRY ME – Believe in me” released in 1995, she has attracted the public’s attention and has created such a social phenomenon that many fans, “Amler”, imitate Amuro’s fashion.

In 2015, he became independent from the agency he had been affiliated with and transferred to the music label within Avex. She retired from singing activities in September 2018.

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■ “What happened all of a sudden?” “What happened?”

Five years have passed since his retirement, but Amuro’s popularity remains strong. I was enjoying the content on my music distribution service and YouTube channel, but suddenly the distribution stopped.

In addition to lamenting, “I can’t listen to Amuro-chan’s songs anymore?” and “I can’t do it anymore,” there were also comments such as “What happened all of a sudden?” and “What happened?” as there was no announcement from her former label, Avex. .What’s the reason?” Many people have been confused.

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■End of fireworks show

Also, after retiring, Amuro held a fireworks show with the desire to contribute to his hometown of Okinawa. She has said publicly that she will do it for five years from retirement, and her last show was in September of this year.

Some fans linked the end of the fireworks show to the end of the content, with comments such as “Is it because the fireworks event is over?” and “Subscriptions and YouTube ended for 5 years, just like the fireworks show.”

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(Text/Sirabee Editorial Department/Koji Kurihara)

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