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Mysterious payload carried by Chinese rocket caused a crater on the Moon

At the beginning of March this year, a runaway rocket collided with the Moon. The object identified as WE0913A was identified as a piece of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket. However, new data has disproved this origin. But, more than the origin, NASA says that it was a mysterious charge from the Chinese rocket that caused the strange crater.

Mysterious payload carried by the rocket collided with the Moon

A team of aerospace and mechanical engineers from the University of Arizona has found evidence that strongly suggests that object WE0913A was a Chinese rocket with an unknown object attached to it.

In the article published In The Planetary Science Journal, the group describes how they tracked the object before it crashed into the Moon and what they learned from it.

On March 4, 2022, an object of unknown origin crashed into the surface of the Moon. Initially, it was theorized that the object was the upper stage of a Falcon 9 rocket. Verification of the launches quickly disproved this theory and researchers decided that the object was a Chinese rocket.

They also discovered that the impact had left a double crater on the Moon, suggesting that the charge “was unusual”. Furthermore, researchers had been following the object for seven years before it fell to the lunar surface and therefore knew its origins.

During the new investigationthe team of experts retraced their route and discovered that it was a booster rocket for the mission Chang'e 5-T1 – one of several missions launched by China to test the feasibility of sending a probe to the Moon and recovering a sample of lunar rocks.

The team also tried to learn more about the rocket as it sailed through space – comparing its light curve, discovered that it didn't oscillate like other rockets. Instead, something was causing it to fall in an orderly fashion. One booster It is typically no more than an empty shell with a heavy engine affixed to one side. Its asymmetry usually leads to a large oscillation.

Therefore, the absence of such oscillation suggests that Chinese engineers fixed something else to the shell opposite the engine, making weight distribution uniform.

As such, investigators note that whatever this thing was, was responsible for the second part of the double crater created when the propellant hit the surface of the Moon. No one from China commented on the nature of the propellant, nor did they even confirm that it was of Chinese origin.

2023-11-25 23:00:53
#Mysterious #payload #carried #Chinese #rocket #caused #crater #Moon

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