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Mysterious Metal Monolith Called Missing in Utah, Turns Out This Is The Fact Page all

SALT LAKE CITY, KOMPAS.com – The mystery behind the loss of the metal monolith is slowly being revealed by Ross Bernards, who works as a megaku photographer, witnessing four men taking the monolith on Friday night (27/11/20).

In an Instagram post, Bernards broke down a conspiracy theory thrown up earlier that the building, which was found in the desert late last month, had been moved by alien.

He said he saw the incident when he went to the location with three of his friends to take photos of the monolith.

Also read: Calculated Metal Monoliths From Another World Lost, This Is The Netizen’s Response

“I just finished taking some photos of the monolith in the moonlight and resting, thinking about the settings I need to change for the last battery of my drone flight when we heard some noise coming from the canyon,” he said. Sky News.

The photographer described how a group of men pushed the building to the ground with a “hard bang”.

“Others who were with him at the monolith later said: This is why you should not leave rubbish in the desert,” Bernards said.

The group then quickly broke the foreign object apart. Then take to the wheelbarrow that they carry.

“One of them looked back at all of us and said ‘Don’t leave a mark,'” he said.

Also read: Had Appeared in Romania, Metal Monolith Mysteriously Disappeared

Bernards explains why his group didn’t stop the men. He agreed with the group’s action to abolish the monolith.

The reason is, people who want to see mysterious structures are starting to destroy the local landscape.

“We can actually see people trying to approach it from all directions to try and reach it. It permanently changes the untouched landscape,” he said.

“This Motherland is an artist, it is best to hand over the art in the wild to her,” Bernards continued.

The monolith’s strange appearance has sparked speculation about how it got there – especially after a similar structure was discovered in Romania two weeks later.

Some people suspect the monolith is a tribute to the 2001 science fiction film: A Space Odyssey, in which a metal monolith is found in the desert by apes.

Also read: Mysterious Metal Monolith Thought to be from Another World Reportedly Missing

The Utah Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has indicated that they will not investigate the disappearance. BLM stated that it did not remove structures on land that were considered private property.

“We are not investigating crimes involving private property, which are handled by the local sheriff’s office.”

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