Low-grade inflammation can affect many parts of the body and cause many health problems.
Low-grade inflammation is caused by unhealthy lifestyles. ADOBE STOCK / AOP
Low-grade inflammation cannot be felt or seen, but it can still cause many health problems. Low-grade inflammation refers to a condition where neurotransmitters that increase inflammation are secreted, especially from fat tissue.
It is impossible to say how many Finns have low-grade inflammation, but some conclusions about the number can be made.
– As far as I can tell, no one has ever investigated the prevalence of low-grade inflammation. But when you consider that low-grade inflammation is related to overweight, obesity and popular diseases, such as coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes and fatty liver, they are really common diseases, says the professor Ursula Schwab.
– Based on that, it can be assumed that more Finnish adults have low-grade inflammation than not. But this conclusion is now derived from the incidence of diseases because they are very common, Schwab emphasizes.
Low-grade inflammation is linked to chronic diseases. Shutterstock
The symptoms of low-grade inflammation cannot be recognized. Despite its invisibility, low-grade inflammation can have a widespread effect on different parts of the body and cause many kinds of health problems.
Studies have found a link between low-grade inflammation and arterial disease, such as coronary artery disease. Low-grade inflammation also increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Low-grade inflammation occurs in chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, asthma, psoriasis and autoimmune diseases.
Risk factors for inflammation are:
- Overweight
- Little exercise
- Sitting for a long time during the day
- Nutritionally poor diet: Too little fiber and too much hard fat
- Stress
- Poor sleep quality
- Too little sleep.
Vital lifestyles
Low-grade inflammation is caused by unhealthy lifestyles.
In the laboratory, inflammation can be detected with a sensitive CRP measurement. However, the laboratory result is not necessarily enough to motivate a lifestyle change for the rest of your life.
– Instead of measuring, however, you should focus on eating healthily, sleeping enough, and exercising regularly, Schwab advises.
All the same factors that make the liver fatty, constrict blood vessels and impair sugar metabolism also worsen low-grade inflammation. A health-promoting diet in accordance with recommendations is known to be the most effective means of controlling low-grade inflammation in the body when it comes to eating.
There is no specific age, because possible subtle signs of low-grade inflammation should start to be observed.
– In an American study, changes preceding coronary artery disease have been observed in the veins of 8-year-olds, Schwab points out.
– We can’t think that you can live the first 40 years like in the field and everything will be fine. Changes can already occur during the first decades of life. The best thing would be to pay attention to healthy eating, an active life and sufficient sleep for the child. Then things would be really good.
#Mysterious #inflammation #visible #background #common #diseases