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Mysterious Disappearance of Lina in Saint-Blaise-la-Roche

The mystery remains unsolved in Saint-Blaise-la-Roche. It is in this small village in Bas-Rhin that Lina has mysteriously disappeared since the late morning of Saturday September 23, 2023.

Despite the mobilization of significant resources, justice has not yet, at the time of writing, succeeded in unraveling the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the 15-year-old girl. While her boyfriend Tao found himself at the heart of suspicion, speculation is rife in Saint-Blaise-la-Roche…

What happened to Lina?

Like those around Lina, many residents are convinced that she was kidnapped by someone she knew. A testimony came to support this thesis. “On Thursday September 21, two days before her disappearance, my friend’s father was returning in a van when he saw her, alone on foot, on the side of the road (…) He offered to take her home, but She refused to go with him, even though she knew him!”recounted a woman who has known the teenager since her childhood.

As was the case in the case of little Emile, mediums and clairvoyants are mobilizing to find Lina. One of them, named Jean-Didier, suggested a kidnapping by a “mature woman”. “I think she knew the person. She was not taken by force from what I gather, there was no violence. She went in this vehicle in good faith…”he said.

“Since the beginning of this story, my spiritual guides have directed me towards a woman who could have a role in this affair (…) A middle-aged woman, not a teenager, between 40 and over 50 years old.. .”, he clarified. The medium assured him, Lina knew this woman. “I have the impression that she played an important role in sponsoring the operation. She gives orders, explains how to do, what to do”he added.

>> Disappearance of Lina: “a shovel and a tarpaulin…”new disturbing revelations about her boyfriend Tao <

“Something speaks to me about sexuality…”

According to him, Lina is still alive. “I feel the energy of someone alive. But something speaks to me of sexuality towards her. I don’t feel any perversity. There is a notion in relation to that. There is almost a notion of acceptance by Lina. She is not forced, she was able to take it as a game, an experience, an initiation. Perhaps she had been thinking about that for some time…”he argued while believing that the mystery will be solved “by the end of the year”

Could this theory, which could be considered crazy by many observers, turn out to be true and allow the investigation to rebound? For the moment, there is nothing to accredit it. The mystery surrounding Lina’s disappearance remains unsolved this Tuesday, October 31…

2023-10-31 17:37:23
#Disappearance #Lina #teenager #kidnapped #mature #woman #crazy #theory #circulating

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