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“Mysterious Chinese Aircraft Spotted in Orbit: Experts Weigh In”


Recently, China land aircraft mysteriousafter 9 months in Earth orbit. The plane was monitored by several parties in the United States and they got strange findings.

China is also one of the few countries capable of launching space shuttles. “The success of this experiment marks a significant breakthrough in our country’s research into space shuttle technology,” Xinhua wrote.

But as quoted detikINET from Live Science, the Chinese government has released very little information about the plane. Both the details of its design, capabilities, and performance have so far remained a mystery.

Experts assess the possibility of the aircraft being similar to the Boeing X-37B, a mysterious US spacecraft that debuted in 2010. Kevin Pollpeter, a researcher at the Center for Naval Analyzes, said the X-37B had raised concerns with the Chinese and might prompt them to develop their own version.

Like the X-37B, the Chinese aircraft appears to be unmanned and relatively small. He was first observed flying in September 2020 for two days into orbit before returning. Its latest mission begins August 2022, lifting off on a Long March 2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the craft launched a strange object into orbit around October. The object appeared to disappear in January, but suddenly reappeared on radars in March. So far, the object has not been identified.

Possibility, mysterious plane it has some sort of robotic arm capability. If so, then the plane’s primary purpose may be to repair damaged satellites or retrieve orbiting debris. However, this theory does not rule out the possibility of certain military capabilities or other features of the aircraft.

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2023-05-21 13:20:37
#Chinas #Mysterious #Aircraft #Releases #Strange #Objects #Space

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