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Mysterious Big Explosion Incident in Outer Space, Scientists Say

For astronomer can detect powerful bursts of energy from the deep and deep cosmos. Sometimes, the source of these explosions is mysterious. Mysterious Occurrence The Big Bang in Space.

Quoted from the page sindobatam.com, Sunday, (6/3/2022) Scientist recently observed a giant explosion about 130 million light years from Earth. Previously, they detected a colossal collision here from the famous merger between two collapsing neutron stars that are probably the densest objects in the universe. universe.

But that dramatic event, which produced a powerful flow of energy, began to fade. About three and a half years later, something else, something new creating strange explosions or other releases of energy.

“There’s something else going on right now,” Edo Berger, a astronomy professor at Harvard University and one of the scientists who detected this new cosmic event, told Mashable.

Energy blast, taken by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory (which detects emissions from very hot places in the universe), is very strong. Astronomers equate it with sonic rumble created when a speeding aircraft breaks through a sound barrier.

Inside study newly published in Astrophysics Journal Letter, the astronomers proposed two possible scenarios to explain the event, neither of which had been observed before, explained Aprajita Hajela, an astronomer who led the research. Hajela is a PhD student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Northwestern University.

  1. A “shining kilonova”: A What? In this main explanation, when two neutron stars (objects so dense that a teaspoon of a neutron star weighs about 1 billion tons) collide, they create a very bright explosion, called a kilo anova.

    Kilonova may be very important to the universe, and to our life: Astronomers suspect important elements and metals were forged in this explosion, such as gold and platinum. “This is one of the proposed dominant sites for the heavier elements in the universe,” explains hajj.

    But after this massive kilonova explosion, astronomers proposed that the debris expanded into space, producing a shockwave, or explosion. The explosion heats up anything around it such as gas or star dust. This is the light of a kilonova or remnant of light that we can detect from millions of light years away.

  2. black hole: Another possibility is that the dramatic merger of neutron stars created a black hole — an “object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it,” explains NASA — and now material from the collision is falling into the hole. black. When debris falls, it releases a bounty of energy as it revolves around a powerful dark object. This could be the source of this newly detected energy from outer space.

It’s no surprise that two neutron stars collide in space. In fact, It is common for stars to orbit near other stars in the same solar system. Many stars are not loners, like the sun. “Most stars are actually found in systems with one or more companions,” explains Hajela.

Finally, stars ran out of fuel and collapsed. Then, as very dense neutron stars, they can lose momentum and collide, resulting in violent coalescing and explosions of energy.

Now, the looming question is how astronomers will determine whether they are detecting a kilonova flare, or matter falling into a black hole.

They will continue to observe the type of light, or radiation, coming from this space location. That will reveal the source. (If it were residual light, they would expect more radio emission; but black holes emit X-rays.)

Who knows what else the next observations will reveal about the events taking place in the deep universe?

“It’s still not the end of the story,” Berger said.

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