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Mysteries 10 Days Before Reshuffle Heats Up


President Jokowi reprimands his ministers in a plenary cabinet meeting on June 18, 2020. Then why did Jokowi’s furious video regarding the minister’s performance appear 10 days afterwards?

President Jokowi rebuked his ministers and even said the reshuffle when opening the plenary cabinet session on June 18, 2020. But the Indonesian people only learned how angry Jokowi was at ministers who were deemed to lack sense of crisis ten days later, on June 28, 2020.

After the video was uploaded on YouTube, Jokowi’s loud and decisive statement rebuked the minister who failed to understand the sense of crisis in the midst of the pandemic immediately viral. Various groups agree with Jokowi’s plan to loudly voice the cabinet reshuffle.

“Any extra ordinary steps I will take. For 267 million of our people. For the country. It could be dissolved institutions. It could be reshuffled. I have been thinking about everywhere. Either for a Perppu that is even more important. If it is needed. Because indeed this atmosphere must exist, this atmosphere does not, ladies and gentlemen do not feel it already, “said Jokowi while raising both hands.

Then why was the video uploaded only 10 days later? Related to this the Palace has given a clear explanation. “Because the Plenary Cabinet Session was originally internal, but after we studied the President’s statement, many things were good, and good for the public to know so we asked permission from the President to publish them. That’s why they were only published today,” said the Deputy for Protocols. , Press and Media of the RI Presidential Secretariat, Bey Triadi Machmudin, told reporters on Sunday (6/28).

However, the 10 day gap between videos taken and uploaded is not a short time. This ignited political speculation around what happened during these 10 mysterious days. Political experts saw political dynamics before the video was ‘announced’ to the public.

“His anger on June 18 appeared on June 28. It means there was nothing for those 10 days,” Paramadina University political expert Hendri Satrio told reporters on Wednesday (1/7/2020).

The founder of the Kedai KOPI survey institute suspects Jokowi has been communicating with the coalition party chairmen for ten days. “Jokowi has spent ten days completing his political homework to chat with the chairman of the coalition political party,” Hendri said.

“So Jokowi should now be ready to do a cabinet reshuffle, he must be brave even if he reshuffles the minister from the political party,” he concluded.

(from / fjp)

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