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Myanmar’s new head of government calls for revolution from hiding place | NOW

The acting leader of the impeached government in Myanmar made himself heard on Sunday for the first time since the military coup on February 1. In his speech, Mahn Win Khaing Than promised to pursue a revolution, among other things. This weekend, the army shot at least two protesters during new demonstrations against the coup.

He also said that the government in hiding wants to give civilians the legal right to arm themselves against the military. Mahn Win Khaing Than addressed the people from his hiding place via Facebook. “This is a low point for our nation and the moment when a new day is approaching,” he said, among other things.

Together with other high-ranking officials of the former government party NLD, he is on the run from the army. Dozens of party members were unable to escape and were arrested, including government leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Since the coup, residents of Myanmar have taken to the streets daily to demonstrate against the seizure of power. In addition, soldiers regularly shoot with live ammunition. Until Saturday, more than 80 people were killed by the army, according to human rights organization Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP). More than 2,100 demonstrators were arrested.

Deposed government seeks rapprochement with armed militias

Representatives of the deposed Myanmar government have joined the CRPH committee in exile. They appointed Mahn Win Khaing Than as acting vice president last week.

The CRPH wants to create a new democracy and calls the junta illegal. Committee leaders recently met with representatives of Myanmar’s largest armed ethnic organizations. These organizations control large parts of the country. Some have pledged their support.

According to the acting leader, it is time for “all the ethnic brothers, who have experienced various forms of oppression for decades,” to join forces.

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