Home » today » World » Myanmar protesters’ family in critical condition with live ammunition “Please fight the military dictatorship until the end”

Myanmar protesters’ family in critical condition with live ammunition “Please fight the military dictatorship until the end”

picture explanationThere is a large hanging painting depicting the situation at the time of the attack in downtown Yangon.

In the midst of a protest in Myanmar’s coup protests, the whole people appealed to the families of the protesters who were wandering around the police after being shot by the police to fight the military dictatorship until the end.

According to local media Irrawaddy on the 11th, Miya Te Te Kaing’s older sister A, 20, who was in serious condition due to a live shot in Naepido, the capital city on the 9th, met with the media the day before and told the situation at the time and the condition of her younger brother.

Mr. A warned that the police and water cannon vehicles were advancing toward the protesters and to retreat, and when the police stepped back, the protesters threw stones and water bottles.

At the time, he explained that he and his younger brother were watching the protests by the side of the road.

“I can see it on the online video, but my brother and I weren’t in the middle of the street, we didn’t cross the police line, and we didn’t do anything towards the police,” he said. “The moment I tried to leave, my brother was shot and collapsed.”

It was originally thought of as a warning shot into the air, but he said he knew that he was shot when he saw the blood exploded when he removed his helmet from the head of his fallen brother.

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Miyate Te Kaing fell by a live bullet shot by the police

picture explanationMiyate Te Kaing fell by a live bullet shot by the police

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He said about his brother’s situation, “I heard that there is only a 5% chance to recover.”

When asked what the family thinks about this incident, Mr. A shuddered, saying, “My mother can’t stand it because this happened to the youngest of the four brothers. My heart is torn.”

When asked what he wants to say to the street protesters, Mr. A said, “I want to urge all the people of Myanmar to continue to fight until the military dictatorship is eradicated, even for the suffering younger brother.”

There are also views that the reason Miyate Te Kaing was shot was not because he was wearing a red shirt at the time.

This is because red is the symbol of the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by National Advisor Aung San Suu Kyi in custody by the military.

Myanmar’s military took power in a coup on the 1st for the reason that the government did not properly investigate despite serious misconduct in the November general election.

As a result, protests have been taking place across the country for six days since the 6th.

The international community’s criticism is increasing as the military government is revealed to have fired water cannons, rubber bombs, tear gas, and even live ammunition during the dissolution of the protesters.


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