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Myanmar: international community must protest against new military junta attacks on unions

Passports were canceled and arrest warrants issued for several leaders of the Myanmar Trade Union Confederation (CTUM), some of whom were taken into custody. The Burmese regime has written to governments around the world asking them to no longer recognize certain passports.

The CTUM played a decisive role in the general movement of resistance of the Burmese people to the military coup and in the establishment of a government of legitimate national unity.

Asylum and protection

Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said: “This act of cowardice and despair shows that the resistance of the Burmese people and the unions that represent them is bearing fruit.”

“This type of behavior is that of a desperate and fearful regime.”

“But the people of Myanmar need all the support we can give them to be successful. I call on all governments that have received a letter from the military regime asking them to cancel passports to ignore this request and offer asylum and protection to all concerned. ”

“These people deserve our help and all our efforts to end this persecution.”

The ITUC has established a strike fund to support Myanmar workers and families who have lost their livelihoods as a result of strikes or other protest actions. For more information, click here.

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