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Myanmar Civil War, Junta Launches Air Strike

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The situation in Myanmar is heating up again. The military junta reportedly launched air strikes on anti-coup groups in the city of Sagaing last weekend.

News portal DVB reported the airstrike occurred as the army launched an attack in the Pinlebu area of ​​Sagaing, northwestern Myanmar. As a result, telephone and internet lines were cut off in several districts.

It was also reported how residents heard the plane coming and the explosion occurred. After that, the phone and internet lines are off.

A member of the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) Pinlebu confirmed this. However, he confirmed there were no casualties among his group in the airstrike.

“We were unable to contact them because the internet and telephone lines were out,” the anti-junta group said, quoted by Reuters on Tuesday (28/9/2021).

Meanwhile, the Government of National Unity (NUG), a shadow government formed by ousted lawmakers who opposed the junta, said an arsenal of rocket-propelled grenades, small arms and bullets had been seized in the fighting. It said more than 25 government soldiers were killed.

There was an increase in bloodshed in areas such as Sagaing after the NUG formally declared resistance September 7 and asked the PDF to target the junta and its assets. Prior to this fighting, the junta had often shut down internet access, especially in cities, in an effort to curb demonstrations.

Since Thursday, the military has cut internet access in 11 conflict-torn districts in Chin State and in the Magway region.

Militia groups have also claimed responsibility for the explosions of telecommunications towers run by Mytel, a company partly controlled by the army.

The Southeast Asian nation has been in crisis since the military staged a coup on February 1. It ended a decade of democracy and sparked outrage at home and abroad. It also forms a PDF to confront the military.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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