Home » today » World » Myanmar Air Force drops bomb in the middle of 62nd Kachin Army event, death toll rises to over 50, injuring 80 more

Myanmar Air Force drops bomb in the middle of 62nd Kachin Army event, death toll rises to over 50, injuring 80 more

MGR Online – Burmese Air Force fighters drop bombs during Kachin Independence Army 62nd anniversary celebrations In Phakan city, KIA soldiers, villagers and performers watched the show More than 50 people died and more than 80 were injured.

Last night (October 23), the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) held an entertainment event at one of the jade mines in the Long Khin subdistrict. In Phakhan, Mojin Province, Kachin State, which is an area under the supervision of the 9th KIA Brigade, nine famous artists and singers were invited to perform on stage.

The entertainment event that was held is part of the upcoming ceremony to celebrate the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the Kachin Independence Organization and Army (KIO / KIA) on Tuesday 25 October 2022.

while everyone is having fun on stage It seems that around 20:00, 3 Burmese air force fighters flew to drop bombs in the detained area. Causing many deaths and injuries.

According to local media reports in Kachin state More than 50 people were killed in the blast and more than 80 others were injured. Among the dead and wounded were KIA soldiers and KIO officials, artists, singers, entertainers . as well as the villagers who participated in the celebration

Kachin News Group reports that four Kachin artists were killed in the blast, including Lahtaw Zau Ding, Aurai, Galau Yaw Lwi and Ko Kin (. Ko King)

Kachin Independence Army This is an ethnic armed force that has expressed strong opposition to the State Board of Directors. and the Burmese army It began fighting with the Burmese army in many areas of the Kachin, Shan and Sagaing states, as well as being a force that supports the NUG or the shadow government of the NLD and helped train the use of weapons in combat with several armed men. resistance groups (PDF) formed by NUG.

Four artists who died yesterday in the attack in the city of Phakan (Photo from the Kachin News Group)

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