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My WhatsApp was stolen! See what to do in this case

O WhatsApp has announced constant new features in order to emphasize and offer security to its users. However, criminals also do not rest and look for new ways to commit digital scams. As the end of the year approaches, malicious tricks tend to increase.

A common scam that happens through conversations through the app via links. The swindler impersonates a company and forwards an access link to the victim. By clicking and filling in the required terms, user data is stolen.

Fake links often offer some sort of promotion and require security validations. Through these supposed validations, the victim provides access data such as passwords, for example.

In addition to passwords, logins and sensitive personal information, the cybercriminals are able to access the user’s contacts. In some cases, it is possible to hack and take over the WhatsApp account, including.

What to do if this happens to you

If this has happened or, perhaps, will happen, it is necessary to inform the platform. The user must request the profile recovery from WhatsApp itself.

According to information on the application’s official page, the victim must get in touch by phone. Then confirm a security code received by SMS. Thus, the scammer will be automatically disconnected from the tool.

It is worth noting that it is recommended that the user create a two-step security code. If it has not been done and the cybercriminal decides to do it, the recovery will take longer. In this case, you have to wait seven days to access the account without the two-step code.

However, in the same way, WhatsApp will disconnect the malicious user. This always occurs after the profile owner informs the code received by SMS.

Theft of profile on WhatsApp can end up in court

In some circumstances, the platform may not be able to prevent the attacker from using data. So, given the situation, it will be necessary to call the courts so that the measures can be taken.

The victim will need to register the crime with the Virtual Crimes Police. Keep all evidence of what happened, such as screenshots, emails, extracts, conversations, as much as possible.

How to know if someone is accessing my WhatsApp profile

A tip to identify if there is any intruder on your network is to connect to WhatsApp Web. In fact, just try to connect.

Open the application’s options and click WhatsApp Web. If there is another person connected, you can check it on the screen itself.

Another tip is to keep your app always up to date and use the two-step confirmation, as explained before. In fact, it is worth using all the security mechanisms that are available.

Go to the Settings/Adjustments area in the app. Then click Sign in to account – Two-step confirmation – activate the service. After the procedure, you will need to create a six-digit password (PIN) and provide a confirmation email.

Read too: 3 ways to hide Whatsapp ‘online’ and ‘typing’ status

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