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“My son is strong and used to moving around in the countryside” – Corriere.it

PALAZZUOLO SUL SENIO (FLORENCE) Dad’s pride, despite everything. Nicola a strong child, used to moving in the countryside. When he saw us again he seemed calm, he was only scared when he got into the ambulance.

Leonardo Tanturli more tried than his son. noon, for less than three hours he has known that the little one who has been looking for two days, after having imagined a thousand scenarios that each time had a very dark color, safe and sound. They took him away by helicopter to the hospital in Florence in the arms of his mother. Instead, he remained in the farmhouse, looking after the animals and hugging his other four-year-old son who in these days was kept away from friends and he too has now returned recently and run carefree barefoot in the farmyard.

After the relief and the euphoria, for father Leonardo the moment in which the forces fail. But he responds with kindness and precision. And it seems sincerely.

Why did you only sound the alarm in the morning, nine hours later?
it was a mistake, I recognize that we were wrong. Sure, we were very worried, but I know the area well. My partner and I thought we could find him soon. After a few hours, as we called him and he didn’t answer, we thought he had fallen asleep close to home, so we thought he would wake up at dawn and find him again. Unfortunately this was not the case, at which point we called 112.

Nicola Tanturli: news, videos, insights

Where did you leave it?
Nicola hadn’t had an afternoon nap. At 6 o’clock in the afternoon my partner put him in our bed, without a diaper with the waxed one. At 7.30 he was still there. Then she went to garden. I was far away, in another place, checking the hives, I came back late. At 9 pm we had dinner, we were convinced that he was still in bed. Sometimes he does this and rolls until the next morning. At 10 we brought the goats back into the pen and milked them. We finished at midnight, went to bed and only then did we realize he was gone.

Was it the first time he walked away alone?
S. Living in the countryside, he is used to walking independently, but so far only for a few tens of meters. He had never gone so far. Recently it has grown by a few centimeters, now it can reach the handle. He must have opened the door, maybe he didn’t find us and started looking for us.

What did you do at that point?
We looked near the house. After a couple of hours I thought I heard him. There was wind, I imagined that voice came from the south, where there is also a well. We went back but we didn’t find it.

Were you convinced that he had stayed around?
Yes, he had fallen asleep. We tried to make noise with the pots, we shouted, we called him. Nothing. At that point we were afraid.

What have you been thinking in these two days?
At all. Starting with the wolves, but then I considered that they would also attack the goats. Then I feared that even the wild boars could harm him or even my two dogs. But then, thinking, I was convinced that it could not have been any animal.

How long have you lived here in the mountains?
For 12 years. We have decided to make a choice of life. We produce honey, we keep animals for our needs. Our children grew up here. They are used to moving on their own. Nicola wakes up early in the morning, even before his brother. Often alone he reaches us while we are in the goat pen.

When did he see you what he said?
He still speaks little, he said “mom”And then that he was hungry. He hugged us, for us it was a very strong joy.

How are you?
He has a few bruises on his legs and a bump. (Dad looks up and smiles). went well.

June 24, 2021 (change June 24, 2021 | 08:30)


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