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“My son is in great pain.” The artist’s son, Mohamed Tharwat, was diagnosed with a rare disease

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The son of Egyptian singer Mohamed Tharwat, director Ahmed Tharwath, was diagnosed with a rare immune disease called Miller Fisher Syndrome.

In addition, the artist, Mohamed Tharwat, revealed the details of his son’s health condition, saying: “The condition is not stable yet,” adding that the disease that afflicted his son does not exceed one in a million patients.

He said during a telephone interview with the Egyptian DMC channel, “The condition is still not stable, and he is in pain because the disease is rare, a very rare syndrome, and it affects the nervous system and its condition affects one in a million, and they are forced to take steps for treatment.”

He also added that the pain he is exposed to is very severe, indicating that the doctors are making a great effort, “and I pity him for what he is in.”

The surprise, according to the poor father, was that his son “had no indication of his condition, and he continued his life day and night to make people happy. He was the one who brought Muhammad Tharwat back to singing and gave me many songs.”

Miller Fisher syndrome is a rare disorder in which the immune system attacks nerves and causes problems with eye and facial movements, coordination and balance.

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