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“My quotes? Otherwise they say that the Northern League supporters… ”- Libero Quotidiano

Luca Zaia was a guest of Fabio Fazio a What’s the weather like, aired as usual on Sunday in prime time on Rai 3. The TV presenter was impressed by the level quotes of the governor of Veneto, starting with the one about Adriano in reference to the fact that he was the most voted politician ever in the elections: “The degree of satisfaction is directly proportional to expectations. So if you get 77 percent the expectations are very high, maybe now I sleep a few hours less, since I have to think of 5 million Venetians who expect a lot. I could also mention Sallust that…”. At this point Fazio interrupted him and, smiling, exclaimed: “What is it tonight? Adriano, Sallustio …“. Zaia replied: “Do you know why I am mentioning them to you? Because otherwise they say that the Northern League do not read and do not study“. “And it does not have the bookcase behind it – joked Fazio – but I would not generalize about the Northern League”, followed by the new response of the governor: “But we have paid a heavy price for these metropolitan narratives”.

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