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My platform, your platform – economy

Due to the pandemic, customers are increasingly demanding digital solutions – ideally from a single source. So it is not surprising that the discussion about so-called digital ecosystems around topics such as living, health or mobility has gained new momentum. However, experts are divided on the question of whether insurers should also operate these platforms.

Andreas Schertzinger, manager at the Swiss Re digital subsidiary Iptiq, sees the risk taker exclusively in the role of the product provider. “Insurers do not orchestrate ecosystems,” he said at the SZ conference “The Digital Insurance”. In his opinion, others like the technology giant Apple are doing this.

Axa Germany boss Alexander Vollert holds against it. The online platform “Meine Gesundheit” set up by the insurer is just one example of successful initiatives in the field of ecosystems. The platform connects private patients, insurers, doctors and other service providers with one another. Nevertheless, Vollert knows that insurers will not always take on the role of an “orchestrator”. In some cases the companies will be the suppliers, in others there will be interim solutions. Ultimately, the customer will decide which platform to use, says Vollert.

In order to be active in the “ecosystems”, insurers must have digital processes. The industry giant Allianz founded a new direct insurer called Allianz Direct last year. He wants to offer the same products across Europe with the help of a new IT platform. This should increase flexibility and efficiency.

Allianz Direct boss Bart Schlatmann is satisfied with the success so far. The insurer is currently active in motor vehicle insurance in Germany and in the Netherlands. Schlatmann does not want to name the number of contracts, but the year-end business went very well. “In two weeks we want to start with residential building and household contents policies in Germany,” he announced. Italy is to follow in January, followed by Spain.

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