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My parents want me to use the full amount of my late husband’s life insurance to pay off their mortgage

In the dark momentswhere one finds oneself in serious trouble, most people choose to face theirs Family to entrust to emotionalbut also concrete supports the majority of parents are always willing to welcome their children when they are struggling, but some might ask for a refund in return, perhaps not out of greed but out of necessity. For this reason, a young widow presented web users with a delicate dilemma: To what extent do you have to be grateful to your own parents?who stood by you in the worst time of your life?

My husband (26) died a few months ago and left me the sum of his life insurance. I only expected a few thousand dollars but the payout turned out to be substantial”, she began. Unfortunately, her husband suffered from an illness for a long time before his death, and towards the end the couple needed help: The wife’s parents then offered to move in with them. Now that she’s a widow and got the life insurance money, her parents expect her to use the entire amount to pay off her mortgage. “I know if I pay off her mortgage I’ll never see that money again”said the widow.

“My mother really expects me to do this for her. When the check arrived, the first thing that came out of her mouth was ‘You can pay off the house’, the second was: ‘$300,000 is the price of your freedom’. In truth I don’t want to do it, I have a bad feeling about it; and while I’m extremely grateful for their help, that feels disproportionate.”, she continued. her and her husband had always paid their parents rent and contributed to the utility bills and grocery shoppingso as not to be a financial burden.

“I really don’t know how to go about it and tell themthat I don’t feel comfortable doing it, but at the same time they are so convinced and sure that it’s the right thing to do and I ‘owe’ it to them that I doubt myself and wondering if I’m greedy.” The young widow also explained that what she actually wants is to buy her own home and set aside some of the money for her retirement. “I don’t mind giving them a little money and I’m happy to do sobut the idea of ​​them the whole sum giving gnaws a hole in my stomach”she concluded.

The internet agreed with her completely and found that the real “greedy ones” were her parents: “Perhaps the best you can do is look up the market value of the rent on her house and calculate how much that would have cost you. Subtract every dollar you already paid them and give your parents the difference. I have a feeling it won’t be much. And only do it if you feel like being generous and forgiving. Your mom probably won’t appreciate it, but do whatever feels right in your heart. If your mother wanted to be treated on the principle that family is more important than money, she could have taken you in for free, except perhaps for a contribution towards the bills and groceries. You don’t owe her any more kindness than she showed you.”is one of the top comments. What do you think about that?

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