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My Master’s Platform Faces Major Setbacks: Students Failing with Available Places

It’s not just Parcoursup that is experiencing setbacks, now it’s around “My Master’s”, this platform that allows students to apply for a master’s by submitting a single file valid in all universities. It is experienced for the first time this year, but suffers from a few major hiccups.

Students who fail while there are places left.

Many students have still not received a positive response while there are still many places available. At the University of Poitiers, 600 places are unfilled, some of which are in popular courses such as law.

This is not a lack of candidates, but a problem of setting up waiting lists. By simplifying the procedures for simultaneously submitting your file to several universities, the platform resulted in an increase in the number of applications. The University of Poitiers received 36,000 against 25,000 last year. Not all students could be kept on the waiting list, although there were still places available.

“I think the teaching teams have placed as many students on the supplementary list as in previous years. Except that these additional lists were generally the same in all the establishments”, because the students applied for similar courses, explains Noëlle Duport, vice-president Training at the University of Poitiers.

The platform does not allow you to submit an application

However, when a student releases a place, he simultaneously disappears from all the waiting lists. Once the waiting list is exhausted, it does not allow unfilled places to be offered to unanswered students. “The process of building the platform is a national matter and does not allow you to submit an application.”, regrets the vice-president.

At the national level, these are 40% of training courses that have still not been filled. A situation denounced by Jordan Nicolas, student at the University of Poitiers and member of the student union Solidaires-es. “The colleges did their best. It is an organizational concern in the sense that the government took it very late to set up registration. The universities had only two months to organize themselves. It’s practically impossible for an administration with 36,000 students.”, concludes the student who asks for the return to the old system, and the end of what he considers as a form of selection at the university.

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