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“My hair has grown back, my belly too”

Fanny Mazalon 08/12/2024 at 1:48 p.m.

Silent for almost a year, Florent Pagny reassured his fans by speaking out on Monday, August 12. On his Instagram account, he published a video to give an update.

It’s a real race against cancer that Florent Pagny has been on the verge of winning for two years. When on January 25, 2022, the singer announced that he was suffering from a lung tumor, his fans held their breath. Forced to cancel his 60th birthday tour, the artist regularly gave news of his illness, mentioning relapses but also good hopes. Finally, in September 2023, he walled himself up in silence.

It was this Monday, August 12, that the singer came out of his silence, speaking out almost a year later, in a video posted on his Instagram account. Divided into two distinct parts, this publication carries good news but also a warning message about dishonest practices that the singer intends to denounce.

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Florent Pagny reassured his fans: “Everything is fine, in the last year I have had four check-ups which are good, which are stable. But after having experienced two relapses, we know that we should not cry victory too quickly. For a few years, I will have these check-ups, but for now: it’s good.” True to his good humor, the singer added with humor: “My hair has grown back, my belly too, a sign of good health.”

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Florent Pagny during the recording of the show “With Florent, everyone ELA” at the Seine Musicale in Paris, June 20, 2023. JACOVIDES-MOREAU / BESTIMAGE / © JACOVIDES-MOREAU / BESTIMAGE

Florent Pagny, his face used for fraud

In the second part of the video, the singer told the story of one of his fans, who was scammed by malicious people. The still unknown individuals used the image synthesis technique called “deepfake”. A process that uses artificial intelligence to manipulate an image and sound, offering the possibility of making a person say something via a video.

Florent Pagny back on stage for the charity concert

Florent Pagny returns to the stage for the charity concert “Sentinels of an evening” for the benefit of the Bleuet de France association at the Salle Pleyel in Paris, May 30, 2024. Jack Tribeca / Bestimage / © Jack Tribeca / Bestimage

This is what happened to this woman. Her captors used Florent Pagny’s face and voice to push her to pay money. The singer, warned of this dishonest looting, took the time to explain that he was not behind these methods and that he strongly condemned them. He thus conveyed a warning message about these practices that are increasingly widespread on social networks.

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