Home » today » Entertainment » “My grandparents were the Ba ‘and the Ma’. To Carràmba! I was afraid of finding my father “- Corriere.it

“My grandparents were the Ba ‘and the Ma’. To Carràmba! I was afraid of finding my father “- Corriere.it

Giorgio Panariello, who was the Ba ‘?
“The Father, my grandfather Raffaello, the man who made me my father. A Neapolitan with a difficult, angular character, who had a relationship of absolute love with me. He was a sailor stationed in Versilia when he met the Ma ‘.

Who was the Mum?
«My grandmother Bonaventura, the Mother, the one who is still my mother in my head. She was a small and kind woman, my first fan, the one who sewed the first clothes when I made the imitations of Renato Zero, the one who said pompously at the little shows: “That’s my nephew” ».

And who was Raffaella instead?
“She is the official mother, but she is only a noun. It was an absent woman who abandoned my brother and me overnight. I saw her for the holidays when she came to bring us gifts accompanied by a man who was always different, in fact, as in the game of three cards, she hid our true fathers from us. I can’t say I don’t love her, because in the end she is always my mother, but she is nothing compared to the love I have for the Bona ».

And who was Franco?
«It is difficult to describe Franchino in a few words. For me it was joy and pain. In the early part of childhood, he was a sibling every now and then. Then he came to live with us and became a full brother. We shared a bedroom, he stole my shirts, those things that are done between brothers. After that it became my ballast. I consider him an unlucky guy. First of all, he had the misfortune of being born a year after me, so my grandparents were unable to keep him at home and he was entrusted to an institution. Franchino is a lost soul but in the end she found herself ».

Today his family would be considered dysfunctional. In his day, it might have seemed a bit odd.
“Bislacca is an euphemism: it was a really strange family. Realizing when I was 8-9 years old that nothing was what it seemed, no one in its place, what I thought were my brothers were actually my uncles, my parents, my grandparents, the lady who came every now and then my mother, my father never seen … In short, it seems an understatement to me. It was a Barnum Circus, which created problems for Franchino’s weak character and gave me this spirit of redemption that allowed me to do a job that could play down ».

Are you curious about meeting your biological father?
“Yes, I’m curious, I even made a television monologue about it. Actually I’m not one who has the anxiety to know, I’m 60 now and he won’t even be there anymore. But I remember that in the early days when I did TV, every time Raffaella called me to Carràmba! What a surprise or Maria De Filippi a You’ve Got Mail, I was anxious that they had really found my father ».

But if a genie came out of the lamp and asked her to make three wishes, would this be one?
“Yes, it would be one of my wishes, but just to take away the satisfaction of understanding why he never showed up, maybe he doesn’t even know. I think it was one of those road accidents that happen ».

He is an actor, director, comedian, imitator, writer. Of his many successes, which one would you have liked to show Bonaventure?
“She has lost everything, she only saw me at the beginning and she was already proud. When I found a small TV gig in Tonight I throw myself in and said to her: “Grandma, they took me to Rai”, she replied: “I made a good sauce, can you bring it to Pippo Baudo for me?”. For her, Rai was a big family, she was convinced that I was going to live with Pippo and Raffaella Carrà ».

That of the sauce is one of the “flavors” present in his book “I am my brother” (Mondadori), dedicated to Franchino. But what if I tell you penne cream and ham?
«It was Raphael’s favorite dish. My grandmother cooked in a way … I think we all look around the world for the flavors of what our mother made us, and we are disappointed when we eat a lasagna because it will never be like the one she made ».

What about the smell of ripe banana?
«Ripe banana and leather. I forgot it in my book folder. If I could recreate a perfume I would choose that, just a sprinkle and you go back over the years. When I conducted Sanremo, in 2006, Armani dressed me and he did the finishing touches with pins in my mouth. Every now and then he took out this perfume and sprayed it, it was very incensed and I asked him why he used it all the time. He replied: “Look, when I work I always use it because it reminds me of my mother and the smell of the shawl when we returned from church: the incense remained in the scarf” ».

Since you mentioned Sanremo in 2006, would you bring him back? It was not a triumph …
“It’s something I remember with mixed feelings. In my opinion that Sanremo there was a little too far ahead. The elimination of flowers, of the staircase …, we will probably see it like this in many years, simple, few frills. But I would do it again, obviously with today’s eyes, the maturity and shrewdness of now. I went there thinking that it was not a walk, but a work of union between the network and the newspapers, that we were all together … ».

Of all the things you did, which one did you enjoy the most?
“In addition to television, which is always to be used as a basis in the speech because it is the one that gave me everything, the thing I remember with the most fun and commitment is The bourgeois gentleman by Molière. When the director Giampiero Solari proposed it to me, I looked at it thinking he was joking and instead I received great compliments from characters like poor Gigi Proietti, Martone, the greats of the theater who came to see us ».

And what’s left of the TV in your heart?
«My best memories are related to the first year of I’ll be back on Saturday, the itinerant one, because I understood that together with us he toured Italy. I had a company that was truly a family, where cameramen and dancers got married. The last great satisfaction, on the other hand, was bringing the show of my brothers Leonardo Pieraccioni and Carlo Conti to TV, after we had made a bang of dates in the Palasports. Here, these two things with Molière will remain with me for my whole life ».

What would you like to do that you didn’t?
“The musical comedy, like those of Garinei and Giovannini, which I actually touched upon”.

“I was working at the Parioli in Rome when Garinei came, he called me and said in his beautiful authoritarian voice:” Panariello, I would like you to represent Giovannini’s favorite comedy for us in the theater at the Sistina Add a seat at the table“. And I: “Maybe! Where is there to sign? “. But then the third edition of I’ll be back on Saturday and I couldn’t do it. It is a great regret. Today musical comedy I would obviously make it modern. There are many talented authors, I am thinking of Giuliano dei Negramaro, Biagio, Diodato, who could compose songs for a funny comedy ».

Have you written it yet?
“I’m thinking about it, I have an idea that’s in my head.”

Is it true that he took the first plane when he was thirty?
«Yes, to go to Sardinia. When I landed in Elmas the impresario came to pick me up on his way to Iglesias for a show by Benito Urgu. “Who is it?” I asked. “He is a very good comedian, here in Sardinia they go crazy for him”. When I saw him do Signora Desolina Vacca, Giorgetto da Pirri, Tore Mitraglia, Marshal Serpis, I decided to take my characters out of the drawer and write the lyrics. Until that moment I had only done imitations of famous people ».

Let’s go back to Franco. Why was it Carlo Conti who warned her that her brother was dead? For hypothermia, ascertained the autopsy.
“When they took Franco to the morgue, there was a policewoman there who was the wife of a friend of ours who is a comedian, Graziano Salvadori. They didn’t have my number and they weren’t sure that Francesco Panariello was my brother, they knew him as Franco. When in doubt they called Carlo and he called me ».

And at that moment?
«It was a bolt from the blue. I had seen it a few days before, it was fine. If those times had told me I could have expected it there, but not like that. I ran thinking it’s him ?, isn’t it him? I can’t describe the feeling, a contrast of pain and regret. What if I didn’t make him go away? ‘

The sense of guilt runs through the whole book he wrote for him, but Franco has always chosen.
«I know, I don’t want to pass myself as a saint or Franco as a person who always blamed others. But we must bear in mind that he was not lucid, he had lived in an outcast boarding school, then in a garage … If they had adopted him at 7 it would have been different ».

We started with one name, we close with another. Who is Claudia?
“She is my fiancée, an extraordinary person. She is 25 years younger than me, but she is very mature. It gives me tranquility, serenity, love. I respect her and I esteem myself ».

Does he marry her or not?
“You and I never talk about it. Only the others ask us ».

December 1, 2020 (change December 1, 2020 | 22:50)


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