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“My father doesn’t mind” – Corriere.it

from Alessandro Fulloni

I vent it with a friend of the woman, under house arrest for having distracted 740 thousand euros from the coffers: “But I kill them hers, I’m like this because of her, I don’t have any money for shopping, I can’t wait to spit in his face. I did nothing of the 16 criminal charges I have “

Insults, contempt, anger. “My father doesn’t mind, he’s out”. It’s still: “Mortacci your … I’m like this because of you” e “I don’t have money for shopping”. Then: “I haven’t done a thing out of the 16 criminal charges I have! …”. It is June 4, 2021 when Vanessa Ferrero, daughter of the now former Sampdoria president Massimo Ferrero (read the portrait), is on the phone with an interlocutor. During the call, we read in the precautionary measure of the investigating judge in relation to the arrest of «er Viperetta»Ordered by the prosecutor of Paola (Cosenza), Vanessa – also involved in the investigation for having diverted 740 thousand euros from the coffers of companies under control and for this under house arrest – vents on the mortgage issue of the house she is buying and at the same time she complains about her father’s behavior and the fact that, despite getting her into trouble, she does not show any understanding towards him. “No oh well … – is the outburst of the woman, 36 years old, had from the first marriage of the businessman in handcuffs – a part for the mortgage that I rode the c. a thousand because … that is … they deliberate … they do … mo a c came out. of guarantee that everyone knows … that is, at the central risk for day (…), but that c. or do you want? But deliberate and don’t break! What do you think two days before the deed? At the head of m. … you must make me happy for nothing ».

“” I … I … I … know me and you are not a c. “”

«The fact is – continues Ferrero’s daughter – that I called the whole world … as long as my advisor gives a technical and logical explanation … thanks to the positive outcome of the company yesterday (…) because obviously it is a c. in the backside linked to society… ». The telephone outburst outlines a rather stormy relationship between father and daughter. So much so that Vanessa adds, also quoting the Deaf of the Marquis del Grillo: «Poi me breaks the c. that my father every time “ah… when you grow up… that you do things by yourself… because I know … because they give me credibility … I … I … I am me and you are not a c “. But let them be yours (…). I am like this for the c. yours and me you must also say … do you understand? ». «That is, I swear to you – says Vanessa – my father I can’t wait to spit in his face … and mannallo a fan c. he too … the deaf … I give it to him n ‘c. and fire to the hair (…) “.

“I swear to you I can’t take it anymore”

The outburst continues like this: «I swear to you I can’t take it anymore! That is, instead of saying love sorry I put you in this situation of m. (…) to pay the jail when the problems are mine and not yours, forgive me beloved daughter … so it should entail, do you understand? What do you need? To eat? The University? Drinking? I don’t have any money for shopping (…). Even my father who … if he has Alzheimer’s … or a principle of schizophrenia and in his mind he is convinced that all the problems he has is my fault … it’s his problem not me (…). THEor I have not done one thing of the 16 criminal charges that I have, one, one (…), I owe it to him, he doesn’t mind, he is out of his mind. I don’t give a c … I want to get rid of this ginepraio! I want my leverage ‘, I want to work … get me the c. my … they must die, understand? Let them kill them, I’m like that for them. “

“If it’s where it is it’s thanks to me”

In a different phone call, dated June 21, 2021, Ferrero’s daughter tells a different interlocutor: “I can’t even go around saying that Massimo Ferrero is` na m … that sucks … that goes to say that all children are attached to the mouth … instead he who does is c. of life makes it thanks to me! I got it? If he is where he is, if he has arrived in Sampdoria … if he has become someone it is thanks to ‘this pezza de m. who has signed everything and looks like he does is? And for a c. de mortgage that he gave me … every day to break my c. ».

“Every day he has to find a place to drop the money”

In another part of the order, the accountant of the Ferrero group is also intercepted. Referring precisely to the entrepreneur, the professional says that «did he tell me that his life was a battle and battles must be won one at a time? On the other hand, he has a risk appetite. Every day he has to find a place to puncture and drop some money “. The accountant, in a dialogue on November 18, 2020, always referring to “er Viperetta”, continues: «The theme is that if they really block everything, in the end it is not so possible to do all these things? And so in the end it will be necessary to see what to do inside these boxes to operate ».

“He is also his own worst enemy”

And again, another man close to the former Sampdoria president: «Massimo Ferrero is an exceptional salesman but he is also his own worst enemy. Today he would risk … wanting more and more … he says he’s not greedy but in reality he always wants more ».


December 7, 2021 (change December 7, 2021 | 21:56)

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