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Mutual RH Negative: San Juan’s Lifesaving Network Still Thriving After Four Decades

On Avenida Córdoba, between Aberastain and Jujuy, the headquarters of the Mutual RH Negative, a civil institution that was born in the province due to a medical need and managed to sustain itself over time despite adversities. Today, with around 8,000, it continues to search for new members with the aim of collaborating in saving the lives of the people of San Juan.

The space was born after a meeting held by health professionals, among whom were hematologists Arturo Sicardi, Héctor Farina and Antonio Archilla at the Private Hospital in March 1977. “At that time there were problems obtaining RH factor blood and after analyzing the different possibilities, the idea of ​​creating a mutual fund was born, which began operating in May 1978”says Martha Vara, a member of the mutual Saint John’s Time.

This civil association became the first of its kind with a clear objective: to establish itself as a database of San Juan residents who were RH-, which is usually a difficult blood type to obtain. In this way, in the event of an emergency or requirement, voluntary donors can be turned to to meet the demand and thus save lives.

A little more than four decades later, the space is still standing, concentrating San Juan residents who have this type of blood, although they recognize that there are many families who still do not know about the existence of the mutual, or the benefits it offers.

Martha comments that they currently have around 8,000 members, but that, of that universe, between 2,000 to 3,000 members can only donate. This is because there are several categories of members within the mutual.


“Asset A is the person who donates and can receive blood. Asset C is the person who is only a recipient, that is, who, due to different problems, such as health or others, cannot be a donor. Then there is the Participant, who are minors up to 18 years old who cannot donate due to their age, but can receive if they need it. There are also those who collaborate with the mutual or guardians, who have another blood type, but they do it out of love for the mutual. Sometimes they are family members, since negative minors cannot be direct partners, but they can be parents, relatives, guardians or friends who take responsibility,” explains Martha.

Regarding the operation of the mutual, Martha comments that they do not have a blood bank, but rather they are walking donors. This means that the availability of blood is achieved if the person is willing. By having a database, it is easier to have that information. “We do ask that, if they are members and donate outside the mutual, that they communicate, since we do not have blood in deposit, but when it is needed we contact them so that they can donate where it corresponds. We ask for a notification because a person must wait a while to donate blood again, he cannot do it every day,” she points out.


Currently he points out that the request is relative. Although there were times of greater demand, such as during the pandemic, where the demand for blood was widespread throughout the province, these days the demand can be covered. A no small detail is that it is estimated that in the province 10% of the population is RH negative.

What does it mean to be a Negative RH factor?

There are different blood groups (A, B, O and AB), while there are two types of RH groups, positive and negative. Not all groups are compatible with each other, so when a transfusion is going to be performed, the compatibility of the two factors must be taken into account.

RH negative groups can donate to people of the same blood group, whether they are positive or negative, while RH positive people are only compatible with positive people.

So, Why did the need arise to create a mutual fund that houses citizens with that blood group?

It happens that although people with RH- factor can donate to anyone, they can only receive blood from someone who shares the same factor. Furthermore, the percentage of the population with this factor is minimal.

What does it take to join?

Martha comments that it is necessary to carry out a series of studies to confirm the factor and know the genotype. These studies can be obtained free of charge when making a first donation at the IPHEM (Provincial Hemotherapy Institute).

With this documentation, the person can join the mutual and pay a fee of $100 per month.

What are San Juan donors like?

Days ago Tiempo de San Juan published data that raises concern, since from 2019 to last year, fewer and fewer voluntary donors have been registered in the province, which directly affects the supply of blood that is necessary. for emergency interventions, treatments, among other important medical procedures.

Unfortunately the situation is also replicated in the mutual. Although there are people who do not object when it comes to donating, Martha recognizes that there is everything among the members.

“There are people who are selfish who associate in case they need it. This was born as a mutual fund to be mutual aid. If there is a justified cause, it is not a problem, but sometimes they make excuses and we have to follow up on that person. When the time comes, you donate or we ask you to give it up, or we ask you to find a person to join. It is to balance the number of donors with recipients,” she reflected.

2024-02-25 01:31:29
#Negativo #mutual #fund #born #save #lives #San #Juan

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