Home » today » Entertainment » Mutua Universal increases its revenues by 1.9% in 2020, to 1,193 million euros

Mutua Universal increases its revenues by 1.9% in 2020, to 1,193 million euros

Mutua Universal resists the year after the outbreak of the pandemic. The company obtained income from social contributions of 1,193 million euros in 2020, which represents an increase of 1.9% compared to the previous year. At the end of the exercise, the number of workers protected and hired by the entity stood at 1.4 million people.

Total collection amounted to 2,076 million euros, 77% higher than that registered in 2019. This increase is mainly due to the extraordinary contribution of 814 million euros received from the General Treasury of the Social Security to financially face the extraordinary benefits decreed by the Government to alleviate the effects of the health crisis on the most economically sensitive groups.

In total, Mutua Universal has managed more than 201,000 processes for temporary disability due to coronavirus and 183,000 requests for extraordinary benefits for the cessation of activity of self-employed workers.

The entity maintains its liquidity ratios to continue developing its short and long-term strategy. In this sense, it is worth highlighting the increase in its net worth by 13.83 million euros, to 389.58 million, and the continuity of the policy of permanent improvement of the healthcare network, with a total investment in this concept of 4.6 million euros.

In 2020, the mutual can attend a total of 999,267 visits, 309,052 rehabilitation sessions and 4,741 hospital admissions, according to the data provided by the Spanish company.

Mutua Universal is a mutual collaborator with Social Security with a presence throughout the national territory. Founded in 1907, the group provides its services to around 153,000 associated companies. Currently, it has more than 1,800 employees and has 135 work centers.

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