Guilt of one-dimensional opinion in AD
Dear editor of GeenStijl,
We at Automotive Management organize it Fleet Event on April 6. During this event we will discuss, among other things, sustainable transport solutions and CO2 reduction of the vehicle fleet.
Nienke Onnen is sitting at the table in the panel discussion on this subject. A few months ago, one of your editors got a spicy article written about Nienke Onnen and her vision on this subject. We would therefore like to ask whether the relevant editor would like to take a seat at this panel discussion in order to approach this subject with a critical eye.
I’d love to hear if you’re interested in this. If you want more information, I can be reached at +31 (0) 6 xxxxxxxx. I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Lose [Achternaam]
Program & Marketing Manager
Answer: no way
Dear Loise,
Thank you very much for your invitation! Unfortunately, I am forced to pass up this invitation. I have set out my views on this subject in several articles, like this one as well as the article you mentioned about Nienke Onnen’s lobbyist practice.
Furthermore, I consider Mrs Nonnen’s lazy opinion piece in the Algemeen Dagblad to be almost the greatest possible one-dimensional nonsense that has appeared in the paper over the past year – I have explained this unnecessarily in the appendix – and I therefore do not regard it as a broad oriented expert in this field, but as an activist with an agenda.
You could try it with Walther Ploos van Amstel, specialist in city logistics, who has spoken about this subject several times in Het Parool and may be interested.
Kind regards and good luck with the event,
(And no Loïse, flasher of this one has also little WITH CO2 REDUCTION OF THE VEHICLE PARK)