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Mustafa Shaaban’s “Baba Al-Majal”: A Genuine Pop Culture Phenomenon Speaking Directly to the Youth, Following Trend-Setting Success

Artist Mustafa Shaaban


The Egyptian artist told Al-Arabiya.net: There is always confusion in evaluating the works we present between popular and random

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A great success and wide acclaim, the series “Baba Al-Majal” was able to achieve on the Egyptian street since the beginning of the presentation of the first episodes during the Ramadan marking, and during the few days a hashtag was issued in the name of the artist Mustafa Shaaban, which is the most circulated on the Twitter site in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specifically after the presentation of the seventh episode, and it was Mostafa Shaaban’s hashtag and “Baba al-Majal” are among the most popular on Twitter, as well as the most searched on Facebook after only 3 episodes, with nearly 10,000 tweets.

In his interview with Al-Arabiya.net, Shaaban affirmed that the “Al-Afihat” and “Al-Zamat” in the series are from the street, and they are real and resemble people, and for this reason they have achieved great success with the audience since the beginning of showing the episodes, and he also talked about the reason for his tendency towards popular works.

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* What motivated you to present the series “Baba Al-Majal”?

The series was presented after the last Ramadan season 2022 through a workshop, and I saw that the topic of the series was interesting and attracted me to the phrase “Whoever eats the forbidden, the forbidden eats it.”

* And to whom does the name “Baba Al-Majal” belong?

The character that I introduce is “the father of the field”, as he appears in the episodes, he says, “There is no comparison in Karna”, because there is no one like him in his region, as he is the father of the field in his field of specialization and work, where the events of the work take place as a self-made young man, who trades in car parts, and starts his profession From scratch, until he grows up in it, and becomes one of the largest car parts dealers, and he did not give in to the challenge of beginnings, but decided to complete the journey that he started, until he had the skill and sophistication of his own, to earn the title of “Baba of the field” with merit, which makes him enter into conflicts with his children profession, and all of that in a dramatic framework that is not devoid of excitement, action, and sometimes comedy.

* The work presents an area that you presented before in a number of your works, which is the popular theme?

The series “Shame” was popular, as well as the series “Ayoub”, “Kings of Jadana”, “The Fourth Wife”, and “Mazaj Al Khair” all belong to the popular theme, but each of them is different from the other, as one wears a galabia and marries a halal woman, the other He deals in drugs, and others, and so on. They are all popular stories, but the topic here is different, like the above. It is a Upper-level topic, as it differs from the other, but in the end it is a Upper-level one, but the truth is that the idea of ​​working here, although it is a popular theme, is distinct, and touches every person in the street, whether in an area. popular or otherwise, and its topic is of interest to the majority of people and is the reason for its success so far.

Mostafa Shaaban

* You confirm that work is different, so how do you see it different?

This work is through which we address the rising generations, who have never been spoken to by a work before and did not go to them or discuss them, which is what attracted me to the work, and for your information, the series Baba al-Majal and the character of Zain that I present is considered one of the sweetest topics that I presented in my life, so when I presented the series “Daima Amer” There was only an idea I had, and in fact I liked it, and it was talking to a generation of young people who were rarely addressed. Therefore, in “Baba Al-Majal” I tried to address the young youth whom we had not spoken to before about the idea of ​​”whoever eats the forbidden, the forbidden eats it.” Zain’s character He is the door of the field in the profession that he performs, and this is what we will discover through the upcoming episodes, as he is the chief of the region, and on the mission of work, by which we mean “the forbidden and the permissible.”

* But do you think that the popular theme is better to present to the public, especially since the vast majority in Egypt belong to the popular class?

The sweetest thing in Ramadan is to present the popular issue, and not only popular, but rather it should touch the largest sector of the people, not only in Egypt, but in the entire Arab region, and I mean here by the popular, the popular from which we came out, the popular in which we learned greed, customs and traditions, and in which there is a son The country and the origins, which we used to see in the works that we grew up on in the past, but now there has become – and I consider it a big mistake – a confusion between the popular and the random, as we talk in the popular about the sweet Egyptian origins and customs, and the popular neighborhood, and not about slums, problems, crises and so on.

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* And do you follow the work lead to the trend, and the reactions it achieves with the public?

I am not ready to follow anything because all I care about is photography, especially since we are continuing to shoot until the end of Ramadan, and I am interested in finishing it quickly, so I did not follow what was said about the trend and so on, so all I think about right now is focusing on my work only, because we as a team do not We focus on competition, but rather on what we offer, as I said, and there are scenes that the viewer will like. As for the reactions, they reach me, and they are what I follow until I know to what extent I succeeded in presenting the thing that I wanted to present, and to what extent the work and idea touched the audience, and I evaluate myself again, and always in Thinking about whether the idea achieved what I want or am I wrong.

* Between the permissible and the forbidden that you discuss at work, did you have a purpose in presenting the family and its problems?

Here I do not mean what I will present as much as I am enthusiastic about the subject as a whole, with all its dramatic lines, and the enthusiasm begins with an idea, then the idea grows in the project until it reaches an integrated work, but our purpose here in the work is that the series is presented to the public sector of people in a commercial way that is compatible with Egypt and the world Al Arabi, in an appropriate way for the month of Ramadan and for the whole family.

* Did you encounter any difficulties in filming “Baba Al-Majal”?

Praise be to God, the series does not have any difficulties except for the timing only. We, as usual, like every Ramadan, start late, and this creates a state of crisis to catch up with the show, and we always remain in the filming location until the end of Ramadan.

* And what about your new and is there a return to cinema soon?

God willing, this year I have a great cinematic work, and the work includes many ideas and is not romantic as it was said, and it will be a return to the cinema again after an absence of 13 years since I presented the movie “Al-Watr” in 2010, the work will be a surprise to the audience, and I also have another project after Ramadan, A play that will be shown in Saudi Arabia very soon, God willing.

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