MADIUN CIRCLE – Famous substitute food ours for diet that is by consuming food carbohydrates.
Many people who want to be skinny by following the way of leaving ours. Whereas, food replacement ours for diet That’s a lot, and it needs to be understood that if the body is not given high carbohydrate intake, then the body will also not have energy.
As a result, the body is unstable and often complains of pain. So, solution diet The most powerful thing is to keep consuming food high in carbohydrates.
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Key diet the right thing is to consume food with high fiber, because fiber is good for digestion, so they are able to work well according to their respective duties.
Following food replacement ours for diet which is good by not leaving energy sources as reported Madiun Circle from Saddam Ismail’s YouTube.
1. Brown rice
Brown rice is food replacement ours for diet which has become a city tradition. Many of them use brown rice as an alternative diet and meal replacements every day.
Brown rice or ours Red has a fiber content and a high source of carbohydrates. So if you consume a lot of brown rice, it is actually good, does not make fat accumulate, and does not cause a distended stomach.
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