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Must Know! These Three Deadly Asteroids Are Heading Towards Earth

Pasadena, Gatra.com- The American Institute of Aeronautics and Space (NASA) prepares observations using the Goldstone Radar to welcome three space guests. Three asteroids came close to Earth, namely 2008 UZ94, 4660 Nereus and 2003 SD220. They will have their most intimate approach on December 5, 11 and 17, 2021. Thus echo.jpl.nasa.gov convey.

Asteroid (163899) 2003 SD220 is an asteroid measuring less than 1 kilometer (sub-kilometer) and rotating very slowly. It is classified as a near-Earth object and includes a potentially dangerous deadly asteroid of the Aten group. The Aten asteroids are a group of near-Earth asteroids named after the first discovered asteroid Aten (2062 Aten, discovered on January 7, 1976 by Eleanor F. Helin).

The asteroid ‘Hippo’ orbits between the Sun, Venus and Earth. Its orbital period is 0.75 years, meaning that when the Earth orbits the Sun three times, it orbits four times. Discovered on September 29, 2003, by astronomers Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search (LINEOS) at Anderson Mesa Station near Flagstaff, Arizona.

It was later linked to 2000 AD229, which was also discovered by LONEOS on January 6, 2000. Although this object has two provisional designations, it is currently known as 2003 SD220. The asteroid has a very slow rotation period of about 12 days. He will approach Earth at a distance of 0.036 Astronomical Units or 5.4 million kilometers on December 17, 2021 when it will be one of the strongest targets on Goldstone’s radar this year.

Minor Planet Center classifies 2003 SD220 as a “Potentially Hazardous Asteroid.” The asteroid is on NASA’s NHATS spacecraft mission target list, although no missions are actually planned to visit this asteroid.

The next deadly asteroid is (4660) Nereus. Nereus was discovered in February 1982 by EF Helin using the 18″ Schmidt telescope at Mount Palomar. Some of its physical properties were studied during its most recent close approach in 2002. It is 330 meters in diameter, has a rotation period of 15 hours.

In 2021 Nereus will approach in 0.0263 Astronomical Units or 3.9 million kilometers on December 11. And it will be a strong radar target for several weeks. It is likely that Goldstone will observe surface features not seen in 2002. Goldstone’s observations are scheduled to begin on December 5 and will last about two weeks.

Nereus has been considered a possible spacecraft target for years so the 2021 encounter provides an opportunity to learn more about this important asteroid. Nereus makes close approaches to Earth and Mars several times every century. The 2021 approach will be the most intimate with Earth until 2060 when Nereus will approach within 0.008 Astronomical Units or 1.2 million kilometers.

Third space guest, (518678) 2008 UZ94 discovered in October 2008 by Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR). It is about 1 kilometer in diameter but nothing is known about its physical properties. The asteroid will approach within 0.059 Astronomical Units or 8.85 million kilometers on December 5, 2021. Observations are scheduled at Goldstone on December 1.

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