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Musika-Música 2021: the classics that return

BILBAO / Musika-Música 2021: the classics that return

Bilbao. 6/7-III-2021. Azkuna Center. Quiroga Quartet. Works by Mozart and Beethoven. • Philharmonic Society. VibrArt Trio. Works by Mozart and Beethoven. • Les Dissonances. Violin and conductor: David Grimal. Mozart works. • Bizkaia Room (UPV / EHU). Ana María Valderrama, violin. David Kadouch, piano. Works by Mozart and Beethoven.

Circumstances prevented this Musika-Music from being as explosive as other times and fulfilling its first two decades of life with the so special atmosphere that makes it unique among the musical encounters in northern Spain, but it also brought news such as the opening to new spaces beyond the Euskalduna, where the great ensembles and orchestras met, the smaller formats remaining in places such as the Philharmonic Society, the Alhóndiga (Azkuna Zentroa) or the Bizkaia Aretoa in the UPV building in Abandoibarra. Dedicated to the city of Vienna, in practice the presences of Mozart and Beethoven stood out above all others, which is why Bilbao briefly became one of the capitals of classicism.

The VibrArt Trio [en la foto] set the standard Saturday morning at the Philharmonic. The way of playing of its three members, Miguel Colom, Fernando Arias and Juan Pérez Floristán, captivates the same for their freshness and daring as for the intelligence and wisdom they show on stage, and they began by giving a lesson in style, of affection and virtuosity after another in the wonderful Trio K. 548 by Mozart, a piece with atmosphere, without empty pretensions, pure and authentic music. Then they began with a frenzied pace the first of the ops. 70 of Beethoven, portraying him fiercely in his hidden characters, which permeated mystery in his dark and overwhelming central movement. Quiroga followed a similar itinerary in the first of his concerts at the Alhóndiga, confronting the views that both composers had on the world and their respective ways of expressing themselves through music: from Mozart’s introversion in quartet No. 15 (K 421), a perfect blend of simplicity and calm force, full of innumerable details that give the music richness and depth, transited the impetuous personality embodied by Beethoven in his quartet n ° 11 (op. 95), as radically concentrated as it is frenetic .

David Grimal, protagonist of memorable evenings in the little history of Musika-Música, had a vibrant encounter with concerts K. 218 Y K. 219 by Mozart: with energy and musicality in abundance, he threw himself fully into the playful qualities of the pieces, fiercely combining devilish rhythms with sudden accents, a certain extravagance and a great narrative capacity. The fifteen musicians of Les Dissonances, incisive and transparent in equal measure, armed with a volcanic virtuosity, showed that very few composers can beat Mozart when it comes to energy live. Moments later, Ana María Valderrama and David Kadouch reduced the Sonata K. 304 to a minimal essence, especially due to the work of the exceptional pianist, who slightly retains the mischievous look of his beginnings. In the Kreutzer the dialogue between the two rose to the heights, and the entire sonata was maintained by the greatness of its initial movement, a source of modernity at a time when Beethoven saw the future from all perspectives.

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