A creative project to popularize contemporary music makes its debut at UVT’s Faculty of Music and Theater. “MUSICOOLT” is produced by two of its exponents, lect. Gabriel Almași University, recent winner of the Composers Union Award 2020 and university employee. Gabriel Mălăncioiu, both composers and teachers from FMT-UVT.
Lecture. University of Dr. Gabriel Almasi
Seven composers from four different regions – Timisoara, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Iasi – want to show that contemporary music is by no means hermetic and inaccessible to lay audiences, but on the contrary: it is lively, colorful and capable of generating strong emotions. “You don’t have to be a musician to fall in love with contemporary music, nor do you have to have a musical background to enjoy modern musical languages. You just have to have curious ears and an open mind“, the project team announced publicly MUSIC.
Therefore, all curious people between the ages of 16 and 116 are welcome to zoom into the new music with the UVT musicians and their friends from April 8th.
The MUSICOOLT meetings take place every two weeks on Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. on the ZOOM platform and are also broadcast live on the project’s Facebook page.
Here is the meeting schedule:
• April 8: “Der Zugmarsch in der Musik” – Gabriel Almaşi (Timișoara)
• April 22: “Mierla staccato” – Gabriel Mălăncioiu (Timișoara)
• May 6: “How to Prepare a Piano: Recipes for Foodies” – Diana Rotaru (Bucharest)
• May 20: “The Strange Case of Musical Minimalism: What We Hear and What We Hear” – DanDe Popescu (Bucharest)
• June 3: “The choir as you have never heard it before – a cappella creation in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth century.” Century, between tradition and experiment” – Șerban Marcu (Cluj-Napoca)
• June 17: “Intertextuality – the story behind XNUMXth century music.” and XNUMX. Century” – Cristian Bence-Muk (Cluj-Napoca)
• July 1st: “Religious music in the work of contemporary composers” – Ciprian Ion (Iasi)
Music lovers are welcome to follow the MUSICOOLT page (facebook.com/MUSICOOLT) for Zoom meeting links.
Partners: University of West Timisoara – Faculty of Music and Theater, National University of Music in Bucharest, National Academy of Music “Gheorghe Dima” in Cluj-Napoca, National University of Arts “George Enescu” in Iaşi – Faculty of Interpretation, Composition and Theoretical Musicology.
Adrian Korek, [email protected]
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Music and Theater UVT
2023-12-13 23:34:50
#MUSICOOLT #innovative #project #Faculty #Music #Theater #UVT