Home » today » Entertainment » Musician Mejla Hlavsa has a memorial plaque in the house in Blehradsk street Culture

Musician Mejla Hlavsa has a memorial plaque in the house in Blehradsk street Culture

PRAGUE Musicians and only the groups Plastic People of the Universe or Plnoc Milan Mejla Hlavsa have since today a new memorial plaque at the foot of the house at 120 Blehradsk Street, where he worked. The new plaque replaced the original one from the house in Jen Street, which someone had once stolen. The author of the graphic design is designer and artist Zuzana Lednick. Hlavsa is an official citizen of Prague 2. Zemel January 5, 2001


For me, Mejla Hlavsa has always been and will be a symbol of pride and even ptee. I am glad that Mejla Hlavsa is one of the first citizens of Prague 2, because it was really his, said the mayor Jana Ernochov (ODS).

Viktor Park

The record has the shape of vinyl turntables, the inscription is the inscription: Here in the nineties he worked in the shop and played in the club Milan Mejla Hlavsa. It is a replacement for the original, which was placed in 2005 on the house in Jen street slo 7, where Hlavsa lived. The original record, which was played by the Muchomrky bl dog after throwing ten crowns, was stolen by someone six years after the installation.

Mejla was born on June 6, 1951 in Bevnov in the families of a bank. He founded the first band at the age of 14. Due to his long hair, he left home, used to work in a slaughterhouse. He first tried playing guitar. Less than a year before his death, he underwent lung cancer surgery, from which he was able to recover and even be able to ride his favorite bike again. The disease was eventually stronger.


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