Home » today » Entertainment » Musician and songwriter Wolfgang Brammertz lives for his job: his music conquers the world – Telgte

Musician and songwriter Wolfgang Brammertz lives for his job: his music conquers the world – Telgte

Music is his language: when the 57-year-old thoroughbred musician Wolfgang Brammertz, alias Wesson Green, picks up his guitar, he sings. Often there are songs whose lyrics he wrote. They tell about his life.

His unparalleled career began in 1977. At the age of 13, he received his first lessons from a professional guitarist from Düsseldorf. He quickly realized that his calling lies in music. Wolfgang Brammertz learned various playing techniques on the electric and acoustic guitar. In doing so, he discovered his love for the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

Thanks to his skills, he got a contract with Happy Valley Records in 1989. Under Mick Franke he acquired basic technical knowledge for working in the recording studio. Enthusiastic about the possibilities and on the advice of his friend, he received his first professional studio equipment. Now he could pre-produce his songs himself.

He had thus created the basis for his own recording studio. In 1990 he founded Fox Music Studios in Münster. Five years later he moved his professional music, production and recording studio to Westbevern. The soul of the studio is there. It consists of five acoustically optimized recording areas and a control room. Here, individual artists, bands, choirs and music groups receive optimal reception conditions. Voice and radio play recordings are also made there.

Wolfgang Brammertz has been producing his own records and music CDs for many well-known and less well-known musicians from Europe for over three decades. As a sound engineer, musician and music producer, he has been involved in over 200 CD productions, including working for artists such as Joe Cocker and Ron Williams.

Wolfgang Brammertz describes his extensive instrument collection as extraordinary, with many vintage guitars and collectibles from the 50s and 60s, which he makes available to the musicians in the studio on request. His collection also includes instruments, amplifiers and microphones that used to belong to famous musicians. For example a guitar from the British band Oasis. The legendary U47 tube microphone from English producer Stephan Lipson is one of them. The British singer and Oscar winner Annie Lennox, the Australian-British singer-songwriter Natalie Imbruglia, the Backstreet Boys and also the British rock guitarist Jeff Beck used this microphone to record vocal recordings.

Wesson Green plays in various bands with which he also played numerous concerts. For over 25 years he has been the guitarist and producer of one of the largest and most successful soul bands in Germany – the Soulfamily. With this band he completed about 600 concerts.

In the four decades as a guitarist, composer and producer, he realized that letting others sing his own songs was not what he wanted. The realization came during a visit to a Rolling Stones concert in October 2017 in the Esprit Arena in Düsseldorf. “I was so excited that a few days later I went to another concert at Gelredom in Holland. Here I decided to finally make music as a singer with my own band and my own compositions. ”

Wolfgang Brammertz has been writing his own songs for his project under his stage name Wesson Green since 2017. His music and his lyrics are diverse. He describes them as philosophical and profound. “Of course there is also room for love.” The recording takes place in our own studio. Musician friends and long-time companions form the ideal line-up for his band.

Despite the pandemic, Wolfgang Brammertz is optimistic about the future and is looking forward to being able to present his music live on stage again with his band in the foreseeable future.

Wolfgang Brammertz’s work has also been recognized internationally for years. At the 38th German Rock & Pop Prize in the main category “German Singer-Songwriter Prize 2020”, the Westbeverner and his partner, the Gladbach singer-songwriter Thomas Mentsches, were awarded second place for the song “Black Lives Matter To Me”. This great success is no coincidence: the two musicians and songwriters have been working together successfully for ten years. They have already worked on two albums together and will continue to liven up the music scene in the future.

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