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“Musical Instruments and Porcelain Figures of the Baroque and Rococo: A Tour Through History”

The curators Dr. Claudia Kanowski (Museum of Decorative Arts) and Dr. Benedikt Brilmayer (Musikinstrumente-Museum) take the proximity of their institutions as an opportunity to relate the porcelain and faience figures of the Baroque and Rococo periods to the corresponding musical instruments of the same time: Which were the popular instruments of the era and why? Who played them and what did they sound like? How detailed are their depictions in porcelain and faience? What are the exquisite figures telling us today? The tour begins in front of the originals in the Kunstgewerbemuseum. The event continues in the Musical Instruments Museum, where you can see exactly those instruments that were presented as attributes of the porcelain figures in the first part of the tour.

The events begin in the applied arts museum and continue in the neighboring musical instrument museum, which is within walking distance.

Participation is free with a valid museum ticket.
Please register at the Musical Instrument Museum: Tel. 030/25481178 or [email protected]

The project is funded by the Board of Trustees of Prussian Cultural Heritage.

Meeting point: Cash desk Museum of Applied Arts

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