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Music.. secrets and benefits for the body

There is no doubt that one of the main strengths of music is the evocative one, because the melodies revive and revive the memory of situations or people who are no longer there, and touch our hearts, and also leave room for dreams not yet fulfilled, according to the “nospensees” website.

According to the site, music is inspiration, fascination and beauty. It is present, in one way or another, in everyone’s life. Its origin is unknown, but it has been shown by research and inference that the earliest melodies were produced by using the body itself as a percussion instrument and by reciting the rhythms out loud.

Music was born at the same time as language. In the beginning tools such as bones and stones were used to produce sound. Later, drums made from natural materials, such as coconut shell, appeared. And later came stringed instruments, and finally wind instruments.

Music is present in all societies on the planet and at all times. Traditional songs were handed down orally from generation to generation. It was only in the 10th century that Guido d’Arezzo devised a musical writing system. This range was later extended by Ugolino de Forli, and thanks to this achievement the music was able to transcend time. Let’s see other musical secrets.

It is not easy to establish who was the greatest composer of all time. However, according to most experts, the greatest composer is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He has been cataloged in this way because he elevated the musical instruments of his time to the highest level of expression. It is believed that all the music that followed this genius bears some influence of the musical genius of Mozart.

What is the hardest instrument to play? Many might think the piano, but it’s not. The instrument that requires the most talent is the violin, because playing it requires a lot of precision in handling the bow and in the position of the fingers for the sounds to be coherent. Any slight defect in one of these elements generates a sharp and annoying sound. The opposite happens with the harp, from which it is practically impossible for the music not to come out.

Another strange musical secret comes from famous singer Tina Turner, as Gloucestershire Airport in England uses her songs to scare away birds. These songs seem to have a very strong effect in scaring away crows and seagulls in particular. Airport workers don’t know why this happened, but no one denies the impact of these songs.

Music and body

Science has found that music has great benefits for the body. First, it has been shown to affect blood pressure. It has been shown that the heart adjusts its beat to the rhythm of the music you listen to.

On the other hand, music has been shown to improve physical performance. In particular, rock and pop music enhances the athletic capabilities of the body. But you have to be careful because it is also known that if you listen to it at full volume you get thirsty.

And as if all this were not enough, the data indicate that music also has a very positive effect on brain health, as it stimulates many areas of the brain associated with movement, memory and mood, as this effect translates into a reduction of the level of psychological stress, mental stimulation and an improvement in memory and memory quality Sleep better.

The oldest known folk song dates back 3,000 years. It is estimated to have been written 3,400 years ago in what is now the Middle East. In fact, there are several songs commonly known as “nymphal songs”. The Hurrian chants are the oldest chants in history, and is a musical group inscribed in cuneiform on archaeological clay tablets found in Canaanite Amorite Ugarit.

Of course, there is no audio file about it, but after several years of study it has been translated and adapted in certain artistic ways. Today we can listen to a version of this song.

What is the most famous song in the world? There are many others, but undoubtedly the record holder goes to Paul McCartney’s “Yesterday”. It was sung by such famous people as Frank Sinatra, Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley and others. Indeed, in the Guinness Book of Records it is listed at number one with over 3,200 copies.

As for music in Spanish, the most popular song is “Kiss Me” by Mexican composer Consuelo Velasquez. It is estimated that there are over 1,000 different versions and it has been translated into 20 languages. Among its most notable singers are Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, The Beatles, Andrea Bocelli and many others.

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