Home » today » News » Music – Peenemünde – New York Philharmonic in front of a sold-out house on Usedom – culture

Music – Peenemünde – New York Philharmonic in front of a sold-out house on Usedom – culture

Peenemünde (dpa/mv) – Three concerts in three days: the New York Philharmonic Orchestra played in front of several thousand people in Peenemünde at the weekend. The stay of the orchestra was the result of years of work – and an emotional experience for both the organizers and the musicians.

According to his own statement, the director of the Usedom Music Festival, Thomas Hummel, had been working towards the residency of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra on Usedom for ten years. On Friday evening, at the opening concert, the musicians actually sounded the first notes under the direction of Jaap van Zweden in the Peenemünde power plant. Hummel’s joy was obvious.

The work “Lumina” by the young American artist Nina Shekhar was presented first. “Light stands for hope in such a difficult time,” said Hummel at the beginning of the concert. Together they want to send a sign of peace and tolerance from Peenemünde into the world.

The performances at the weekend were also something special for the musicians: they had not been able to give any concerts for almost a year and a half because of the corona pandemic. It was a difficult time for everyone, said the orchestra’s managing director, Deborah Borda, before the concerts. The New York Philharmonic is the first orchestra to leave the United States since the pandemic. It touched her heart to hear the musicians practicing in the hotel and to see their smiling faces. This joy of playing was reflected in the concert.

In addition to the orchestra, well-known soloists were also on stage at the weekend. On Friday, Jan Lisiecki showed his skills on the piano and received long-lasting applause. Star violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter performed on Saturday evening. She presents the violin concerto “Anne-Sophie” composed for her by her former husband André Previnhttps://www.sueddeutsche.de/kultur/.”Performing his violin concerto in Peenemünde with an American orchestra and a Dutch conductor is an outstanding and unforgettable moment in my career,” said mother, according to the announcement. According to the organizers, both concerts were sold out with 1200 seats each.

On Sunday there was a concert with baritone Thomas Hampson. “It’s an amazing weekend and I’m so glad to be invited. I love the New York Phil and we’re going to do this right,” Hampson said in a video before the concert. “And that’s the most wonderful air to breathe for five days.”

Two more chamber concerts by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra are planned on the island on Monday and Tuesday – then the American atmosphere on Usedom will end for the time being. But the music will continue in autumn. The main program of the Usedom Music Festival focuses primarily on musicians from Estonia.

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