Philip Lethen is the artistic director.
Foto: Philip Lethen
(RP) In the fifth edition of the sampler “Music Made in Krefeld”, a large orchestra comes into play: The Niederrheinische Sinfoniker set eleven selected songs to music together with bands and solo artists from Krefeld. Included are Alex’s Kept Secret, Patrick Richardt, Smot, M. Walking on the Water, Kotzmann, Black Mesa, Mothers of Guru, Mondo Mashup, Dear Wolf, Jansen and Provinztheater. The sampler will again be published by Krefeld City Marketing. The album is only available on CD at the Christmas market.
Under the title “Music Made in Krefeld meets orchestra”, the power and melancholy of the Lower Rhine symphonic orchestra meets the songs of local rock and pop greats. Under the artistic direction of Philip Lethen, Clemens Gutjahr, Sven Rossenbach and Axel Ruhland rearranged the compositions for the orchestra, thus combining popular and serious music. The project was made possible by the city marketing department, the Niederrheinische Sinfoniker, the Theater Krefeld and Mönchengladbach, the Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Krefeld, the Verein Kultur in Krefeld, the Initiative Theaterplatz (ITP) and the Krefeld Musicians Initiative (KMI).
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