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‘Music industry is guilty of overdose on rapper DMX’ | Entertainment

entertainment">“The whole industry is rotten. It is a bottomless pit of happiness or depression, there is simply no in-between. I’m not saying no one ever reached out to help, but there were so many people who knew about this problem that it should never have come this far. But as soon as money can be made, people quickly look away. And then nobody cares about a person like DMX, who has been struggling with mental problems since childhood, which later manifested itself in addictions ”, said Flex.

entertainment">DMX said earlier in his biography that he had been beaten several times by his mother’s friends and said that a teacher had first come into contact with crack cocaine at the age of 14. Something that, according to him, made things worse: the drugs at the time relieved the pain of the abuse.

entertainment">Flex also commented on all social media posts posted by famous artists. “Phew, stop it. Everyone posts a picture of them in DMX, with the best wishes and that kind of shit. But no one has given him a call over the past 10 years. I really can’t do anything with that, I think it’s so fucking fake. Just don’t say anything. ”

entertainment">Rapper DMX has been struggling with an addiction for years. In 2016, the rapper was found unconscious and was resuscitated. Two years later, he was jailed after cocaine was found in his body during a test. In 2019 he admitted himself to rehab.

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