The Fiio M23 enables music enjoyment at the highest level. The portable audio player offers the finest technology and a lot of options at a fair price. However, its versatility can be confusing for beginners.
Most users listen to music on the go via their smartphone and now mostly with Bluetooth headphones. This means that with the appropriate equipment you can now achieve a fairly high level of quality. Audiophile connoisseurs still prefer a portable digital audio player (DAP) that allows them to enjoy music at the highest level. One of them is the Fiio M23, which is not only equipped with the finest audio technology but is also extremely versatile.
Matching headphones must be included tried out the Hi-Res player, which costs around 700 euros. Since high-resolution music also requires appropriate wired, open headphones, the manufacturer also sent along its current over-ear flagship FT5 (just under 500 euros) as a loaner device. At Stiftung Warentest Although it failed the drop test, it demonstrated its very good sound (1.3).
With a 5.5-inch touch display and the Android 10 operating system, the Fiio M23 is similar to a smartphone and can largely be operated in the same way. However, it is almost two centimeters thick and weighs more than 300 grams. In a stainless steel version, it even weighs almost 400 grams.
The device feels very high quality with a matt metal frame, the workmanship is flawless and the angular design is appealing. Fiio supplies the player with a silicone protective cover, which is just as commendable given the glass back as a high-quality protective film on the LCD.
Lots of buttons and ports
There are a number of connections and controls all around the wide frame. On the top there are two headphone jacks for 3.5 and 4.4 millimeter plugs (balanced). There are two USB-C sockets on the bottom for data transfer (USB 3.0) and for charging the player. There is also a microSD card slot here to expand the somewhat limited flash memory of 64 gigabytes (GB).
The right side of the player with hold and desktop mode buttons.
(Photo: of)
On the left, under the on/off switch, there is a touch panel for volume control and a freely assignable multifunction button. On the right there are three buttons to control playback, a hold button to deactivate all other buttons and a switch for desktop mode – more on that in a moment.
The touch panel works accurately, but you constantly operate it unintentionally when you hold the M23 in your hand. This can be changed in the settings by activating an automatic lock. You just have to find out where you can do it.
Little German information
The quick guide provided doesn’t provide anything about this; you can only find Chinese information online if you scan a QR code as indicated or click on one of the German FAQs on the website. The frequently asked questions on the device are at least answered in English, but you can really expect more for 700 euros.
That’s also the biggest criticism of the Fiio M23: It offers a lot of functions that you have to explore more or less on your own. If you, as a beginner, don’t know many special terms, it can be frustrating. If you make the effort, you’ll get the hang of it after a few hours and realize that it’s actually easy to use.
Old chip, top audio technology
It’s definitely fluid, but the fairly old processor and 4 GB of RAM are easily enough. More important is the built-in audio technology, which is anything but outdated. First and foremost, there are two digital-to-analog converters (DAC) from the Japanese manufacturer Asahi Kasei Microdevices (AKM), which are high-end in this area (AK4191EQ and AK4499EX). The same applies to the amplifiers and other components.
The desktop mode is also a nice touch. If you push the corresponding switch up when a charging cable is connected, the power supply bypasses the battery, which is therefore protected. If you don’t have a power outlet nearby, the endurance is okay, but you shouldn’t expect to be able to listen to music for a whole day with the battery.
It doesn’t have to be high resolution
There are numerous options for this. So you can forego the highest quality and use the M23 like a smartphone, including streaming music via apps if you want. The player has WLAN and also allows you to connect Bluetooth headphones – the M23 also supports low-loss codecs from LDAC to aptX-HD. It is also possible to stream from media servers in the home network or to WLAN speakers; the player even supports Apple’s Airplay.
But things really get down to business when you leave Android mode and play high-resolution music at least in CD quality and listen to it using high-quality cable headphones. You basically have a free choice, the Fiio M23 supports practically every format. You can download the material or get it onto the device via the corresponding USB-C input. Great: The player can also be connected to a computer and plays high-res music stored on it.
Great sound with lots of possibilities
The sound out of the box is very, very good. It is wonderfully neutral and extremely cleanly defined. It’s a lot of fun and the quality is really excellent for an audio player that’s still quite inexpensive at 700 euros.
You could leave it like that, but the Fiio M23 has even more to offer that will make the hearts of fine-tuners beat faster. It starts with the fact that you can activate the so-called high-gain mode when a fast charger is connected. This means that the output power is increased, which means that high-impedance headphones can come into their own. This also makes a small but noticeable difference in the Fiio FT5 used in the test.
You will also find an extensive equalizer with lots of options and sound effects. You can also do so in the settings under Audio You can make additional adjustments for almost every menu item and you have a large selection of digital filters. A detailed explanation of the audio settings can be found in the FAQ, but only in English.
Once you have familiarized yourself with it and have mastered and understood at least almost all of the settings, the Fiio M23 is an audio player that can also meet high demands. Normally you have to spend a lot more money for this. The device also offers an impressive number of options that music enthusiasts will appreciate. The player can be overwhelming for beginners at first, but the frustration turns into fun after a few hours.