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Music (house) is playing at home!

On November 22, Germany celebrates “House Music Day”. Already for 90 years! If you panic now and think that you need to organize a family concert in the evening, you are wrong. Why not? Making music is healthy, it makes you smart, and it strengthens the community.

When you hear the term “house music,” a certain image may jump out at you. For example that of a well-made-up child who stands in front of the Christmas tree and has to play the flute for Grandma Erna for 10 agonizing minutes. Or do you think of a community of friends or family who sit together and make music together. Dad plucks the guitar, mum sings, Pia is at the piano and little Paul clinks the stackable cups. At the pace of others. Strictly speaking, both scenarios fall under the term house music.

news.de/wp-content/uploads/hausmusik-zwei-jungs-spielen-gitarre.webp" type="image/webp">news.de/wp-content/uploads/hausmusik-zwei-jungs-spielen-gitarre.jpg" type="image/jpeg">
Making music together is fun. Anyone who invites friends can organize a concert on the sofa. (Image: Pexel)

Because house music is when people make music together within their own four walls. It doesn’t matter if a couple of friends are sitting together with a glass of wine and one of them is strumming the piano, the students are sitting around a round table in the shared flat and making music, or the grandchildren are playing something for their grandparents. It should just be fun.

It all started with house concerts

For example, where would the Kelly family be without house music? Street concerts developed from the joy of concerts together in the family circle and at some point became hall concerts that inspired millions and still do. Even today it is music that unites all family members.

news.de/wp-content/uploads/the-kelly-family.webp" type="image/webp">news.de/wp-content/uploads/the-kelly-family.jpg" type="image/jpeg">The Kelly family's success began with house music.  Even today it is music that unites all family members.
The Kelly family’s success began with house music. Even today it is music that unites all family members. (Image: picture alliance / Keystone | Röhnert)

There is a long tradition behind house music. Centuries ago, making music together was a way to pass the time. The domestic community was encouraged, and it was not only the nobility that attached great importance to musical education.

news.de/wp-content/uploads/frey_biberach_tag-der-hausmusik_300x100.webp" type="image/webp">news.de/wp-content/uploads/frey_biberach_tag-der-hausmusik_300x100.jpg" type="image/jpeg">

The hit: sofa concerts

Living room concerts are very trendy. Of course, not everyone can invite a star to their sofa. But it’s enough to have a few people making music together. Some friends are invited and the beautiful evening within the four walls can begin. Create a new musical experience and connect. The “we” takes on a new meaning and perhaps boring family celebrations will be spiced up.

news.de/wp-content/uploads/hausmusik-frau-spiel-ukulele.webp" type="image/webp">news.de/wp-content/uploads/hausmusik-frau-spiel-ukulele.jpg" type="image/jpeg">For many, Christmas is just the right time to get the tools out again.
For many, Christmas is just the right time to get the tools out again. (Image: Pexel)

The opportunity is especially good around Christmas time. The family is united, you have time… It might all seem a little erratic at first, but over time the sounds soften and the family automatically reunites. But we must also leave in peace those who do not want to participate and prefer to listen.

Dagmar Sikorski, former president of the German Music Publishers Association, started the “Home Music Day” in 1932. It is dedicated to making music together in the private home and is meant to motivate people to make music together.

The beginnings are with music at home

It all started with ‘Myle’ at the tender age of seven with the piano, then came guitar and singing lessons. Her father played the drums. So we practiced at home. This is also a kind of house music. The result: the Ravensburg musician “Myle” (we reported) is a newcomer with great talent and has already made a name for himself in the German pop scene. His current single “Mutual” is number 1 on the iTunes charts. In the summer he was also on tour with singer Wincent Weiss.

news.de/wp-content/uploads/myle-bei-wincent-weiss.webp" type="image/webp">news.de/wp-content/uploads/myle-bei-wincent-weiss.jpg" type="image/jpeg">Exciting: Myle toured with Wincent Weiss this summer.
Exciting: Myle toured with Wincent Weiss this summer. (Image: © 2022 MYLE MUSIC)

House music promotes tact and, above all, the ability to concentrate in children. According to music educators, music stimulates children’s brains, and those who make music in the family circle can express feelings better and reduce stress faster.

Maybe November 22nd is the day to bring the tools out together again…

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