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Music – Hamburg – Flashmob video for Paul McCartney’s 80th birthday – culture

Music – Hamburg:Paul McCartney’s 80th birthday flash mob video

May 7, 2022 2:49 p.m

Paul McCartney, musician from Great Britain, laughs. Photo: Ian West/PA Wire/dpa (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Hamburg (AP) – For Paul McCartney’s 80th birthday, the band Salamanda shot a flash mob video on Hamburg’s Reeperbahn. Numerous fans came to support the Beatles-Platz on Saturday afternoon, some holding up signs with slogans like “Happy Birthday Paul” and “Hamburg loves you”. The video with the song “Song for Paul” is scheduled to be released on June 18, just in time for the ex-Beatle’s 80th birthday. “The song should be a huge thank you for his work and his art on behalf of the whole of St. Pauli and Hamburg,” said the organizers. One hopes to reach Paul McCartney personally with the clip.

On August 17, 1960, the Beatles started their international career on Hamburg’s Reeperbahn. On this evening, the still unknown musicians entered the stage of “Indra” in the great freedom for the first time. The Fab Four performed 48 times before the club had to close due to noise complaints from neighbors. The band got a lot of impulses in Hamburg, where the band also got to know the photographers Astrid Kirchherr and Jürgen Vollmer as well as the up-and-coming artist Klaus Voormann. In June 1966, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon returned to the Elbe for the last time.

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