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Music – Dresden – Music festivals make Dresden the “sounding city” – culture

Dresden (dpa/sn) – The music festival is making Dresden a “sounding city” again this year and is still looking for comrades-in-arms. In the project of the same name, amateur and amateur musicians set the tone and are allowed to show their skills just like dance ensembles. “The popular hands-on project knows no genre boundaries and is aimed at anyone who dares to create a short program in front of a passer-by audience,” said the festival on Tuesday. Small and large artists from outside of Dresden are also welcome.

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s a choir, big band, music school ensemble or soloist, whether it’s classical, jazz, dance or pop music – the aim is to make Dresden ring out in every corner for an afternoon and to show how musical the city is outside of the large concert halls”. , it was said. Passers-by could experience small free street concerts everywhere from the Albertinum to the Schlossplatz to the Goldenen Reiter and get to know Dresden’s musical diversity.

For numerous musicians and ensembles, the “Sounding City” has long had a permanent place in the concert calendar since 2016. According to the music festival, there are more every year. The ensemble that has traveled the furthest to date has been the alphorn players “Klangholz” from Auerbach in Bavaria, who played on the Brühlsche Terrasse in 2022 to the delight of the audience. The 46th Dresden Music Festival will take place from May 18th to June 18th.

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