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Music course of the Leibniz-Gymnasium is award winner at …

Music course of the Leibniz-Gymnasium is a prize winner in the composition competition

St. Ingbert. The year 2020 also presented the schools in the country with great challenges and everyday work had to be completely reorganized more than once.

It is all the more gratifying when something extremely positive can be reported in this context. The members of the music course from classes 10a and 10b of the Leibniz-Gymnasium (school year 2019/2020) received the notification that they would win third prize in the 11th competition “teamwork! New Music (er) Find 2020 ”from the Federal Association for Music Education.

In this competition, students should experiment with music in a team or in a music course in order to create something new from sounds, noises, with their voices or with all kinds of instruments. Therefore, the members of the music course worked together over several weeks to create a composition entitled “Art-Fabric-History”.


It is divided into four rough units: At the beginning there is the beginning of the world, a time without people and machines. In order to represent the natural and simple, utensils made of wood were used and attempts were made to create natural sounds such as the rustling of leaves. In a second step, the transition from stone to wooden tools should become clear in order to symbolize the further development of mankind. The leap into the age of industrialization is made clear by looking at the steam locomotive, the “movements” of which the pupils reproduced in sound. The last section is introduced by the ticking of a metronome – this awakens the association of a clock that stands for the time that for us humans is increasingly threatening to run out. Here the students only used plastics to express their ideas acoustically: For example, the meter carried on plastic bottles and the percussion played on harder and softer plastics symbolize today’s overconsumption of plastics.

The result, which is worth seeing and hearing, could unfortunately not be shown at the planned ceremony for the 150th anniversary of the school due to the advanced pandemic, but music teacher Gianna De Fazio submitted it to the “Teamwork” competition. The competition is financed by the Apfelbaum Foundation, Cologne. A total of 15 schools from nine federal states applied. The music course of the Leibniz Gymnasium emerged as the third prize winner among all submissions.

Third place among 15 schools from nine federal states

The jury, consisting of Prof. Violeta Dinescu (University of Oldenburg), Silke Egeler-Wittmann (music teacher in Grünstadt), Prof. Wolfgang Rüdiger (Düsseldorf University of Music), Dorothee Graefe-Hessler and Prof. Dr. Ortwin Nimczik (Bundesverband Musikunterricht e.V.) wrote in her report: “The students of 10ab have developed an exciting concept for materials with a historical basis. The further development and elaboration led to very differentiated sound results. The jury rated the use of unfamiliar sound generators and dealing with the bulky material positively. ”Red./jj

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