Cologne (AP) – Henning Krautmacher (65), longtime frontman of the Cologne mood band Höhner, has shaved off his famous twisted mustache. “It’s a whole new quality of life,” said the musician of the German Press Agency. The “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger” and the Cologne “Express” had previously reported. Instead of a mustache, Krautmacher now wears a five-day beard. He already separated from his mustache on December 31, he said.
“It’s wonderful, I can go around the world unmolested,” Krautmacher told the “Stadt-Anzeiger” (Thursday). “I always said: If I stop, then the mustache will go away.”
Krautmacher announced his departure from the stage last year. The farewell came earlier than planned because his wife Anke was seriously ill. In the meantime, “her health development is on the right track,” Krautmacher told the dpa. The singer has now announced that he will be a guest at the Höhner shows in Cologne in May. “It’s not a comeback, definitely,” he said. His guest appearances lasted no longer than a quarter of an hour.
The Höhner celebrated their 50th band anniversary in 2022. Above all, they are known nationally for their carnival songs (“Viva Colonia”).
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