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Music, cinema, urban art, theater and workshops, at the new Cridem pel Clima Festival


Specialists in the climate emergency, environmental groups and citizens who wish to do so will meet, from November 12 to 19, at the Cridem pel clima festival. It is an event that combines culture and the environment and that will take place at the Center del Carme Cultura Contemporània (CCCC), promoter of this first edition together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition, and Tornem, culture and sustainability.

The meeting aims to “connect citizens with the climate emergency through a wide cultural offer for all ages and levels of awareness with the environmental problem.” For seven days, it will become a stage for dialogue between experts with space for citizen and cultural participation.

The director of the Consorci de Museus and the CCCC, José Luis Pérez Pont, assures that “it is necessary to promote a festival like this, which will function as a meeting point between citizens and professionals who work every day to solve the climate emergency.”


Cridem pel clima was born “with the certainty that culture is the most powerful sensitization mechanism” and, therefore, it proposes an extensive multidisciplinary program with concerts by local, national and international bands, such as the Valencian Laura Esparza and Carlos Esteban or the visual artist and musician Bby Eco (Amsterdam), those responsible for the initiative stand out in a statement.

The festival also hosts a film series dedicated to the climate emergency, live theater and urban art by Elías Taño. At the same time, it creates a space for dialogue with up to six tables dedicated to the role of culture in the climate crisis and the problems analyzed from different areas. Cultural agents, experts in climate change, environmental specialists and teachers will participate.

Admission is free. During the next few weeks the complete program will be known through the Cridem pel clima social networks and the website www.tornem.es/cridem-pel-clima-2021/.

The event is promoted and co-financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition, the Consortium of Museums through the CCCC and Tornem, culture and sustainability; It is sponsored by València Activa, EMT and the collaboration of Caixa Popular and Capitán Denim. Likewise, Climate Reality Europe, Yanushub, Bioagradables, Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for Future, Ecologistas en Acción, Per l’Horta, Aliança per l’Emergència Climàtica, Agora Talents and FE CCOO PV, Youth Climate Save, Amae Agroecologia, Climate actively participate. Kic, Pianos Clemente, Go Zero Waste, E-Place Heritage, Capacitador.info and other contributors.

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